'MADtv' was a network show, so we would come across the people that we were lampooning - a lot.

Sometimes I wish I was more comfortable just saying what I thought and getting my point across.

I define fear as standing across the ring from Joe Louis and knowing he wants to go home early.

Be able to draw an illustration as least well enough to get your point across to another person.

You don't need a pickup line. Just glance at a woman from across the room. Glance - don't stare.

A lot of times characters are combinations of people I come across in life. I people-watch a lot.

Across generations, the torch-bearers of Carnatic music have mastered the art form of connection.

I was in band all the way through high school, and I played in jazz competitions all across Iowa.

You've got to reach a hand of friendship across the aisle and across philosophies in this country.

The Trans-Siberian Express is like a cruise across an oceanic landscape. I've done it three times.

You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere.

As far as I'm concerned, love means fighting, big fat lies, and a couple of slaps across the face.

The message I like to convey to women and girls across the globe is that there is no glass ceiling.

I deeply appreciate all the support and encouragement I have received from people all across India.

The Internet has brought communities across the globe closer together through instant communication.

The arts are the one thing that appeal right across all forms of politics, race, creed - everything.

Art is a dialogue. I'm throwing rocks across a chasm and hoping people catch them on the other side.

As long as gay people don't have their rights all across America, there's no reason for celebration.

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now.

And Jesus, the heart of the Christian faith is the wildest, most radical guy you'd ever come across.

A single conversation across the table with a wise man is better than ten years mere study of books.

How some of the writers I come across get through their books without dying of boredom is beyond me.

I used to be friends with Miles Davis. He didn't like many folks. I lived across the street from him.

It doesn't matter what famous person I've come across in the street, I don't think I've ever shouted.

There are people of all colors and creeds across our state who've lost faith in our political system.

If one comes across sometimes as being cold or brusque, it's simply because I'm striving for the best.

There are a lot of people across the country, for as silly as this sounds, who obsess about hair loss.

The most sobering thing is to have a number one record across the whole entire world in all languages.

It is so pleasant to come across people more stupid than ourselves. We love them at once for being so.

I want to build friendships. I want to come across as being a good illustration of what Jesus is like.

Everywhere across whatever sorrows of which our life is woven, some radiant joy will gaily flash past.

Change will come slowly, across generations, because old beliefs die hard even when demonstrably false.

Kidney transplants seem so routine now. But the first one was like Lindbergh's flight across the ocean.

There are a lot of big spec houses now all across Connecticut, a lot of ostentatious showing of wealth.

You fall out of your mother's womb, you crawl across open country under fire, and drop into your grave.

When I was a child, it was segregated, and I couldn't go across a fence to certain parts of Gainesville.

Eventually you get to this point where you understand what you want to do and get across and sound like.

Humour is a great vehicle for getting a message across. If you get too serious, you could die of starch.

Kendrick Lamar is 10-times the rapper I am, but I just feel I'm the best at getting my own point across.

Smell is a potent wizard that transports you across thousands of miles and all the years you have lived.

As an artist, I want to interpret my feelings - not run across the street and ask what my mother thinks.

So black people all across this country are uniting. They must unite, and they must organize themselves.

I cannot expect actor Prakash Raj, who is versatile across languages, to express solidarity with a cause.

Networked science has the potential to speed up dramatically the rate of discovery across all of science.

You can't control how you come across and if you try to then you come across looking like an idiot anyway.

From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.

My first Premier League goal against Palace, I caught it on the bounce and reversed it across the 'keeper.

His father watched him across the gulf of years and pathos which always must divide a father from his son.

Globalization is going to bring us closer and closer together across nations and technology you can't stop.

Perhaps the single most robust fact across many surveys is that married people are happier than anyone else.

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