At least my happiness doesn't depend on Ron's goalkeeping ability.

When the world question your abilities, respond with your actions.

Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience.

Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal.

The basis of everything, of all knowledge, is the ability to read.

I'm a regular Joe...I just have the unique ability to accessorize.

Our survival depends on our ability to form trusting relationships.

Cultivate all your faculties; you must either use them or lose them

All humans are born with the ability to be attracted to both sexes.

Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.

I compromised my ability to tell my story, at the most basic level.

The first requisite for success is to develop the ability to focus.

I'm extremely proud of the ability to really go forth and minister.

The ability to be frightening with stillness is what appeals to me.

I know I can act. There aren't too many other jobs I know how to do

I have a job to do, and I have a lot of confidence in my abilities.

When we become fixed in our perceptions we lose our ability to fly.

Multi-tasking is the ability to screw everything up simultaneously.

I was never really good at anything except for the ability to learn.

Some were paid solely for their ability to dream up the unthinkable.

If you have an ability, you want to exercise it, not anesthetize it.

All possibility of understanding is rooted in the ability to say no.

It is not my ability, but my response to God’s ability, that counts.

The ability to communicate is critical- clearly, frankly, and often.

When you fall in love with the system, you lose the ability to grow.

The greatest gift given to man by God - is the ability to empathize.

Genius might be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way.

Respect my trendsetting abilities. Once that happens, everyone wins.

Attitude and personality are as important as experience and ability.

I always had the ability to throw a frisbee pretty well. I don't why.

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.

With average or even minimum ability, success is still very possible.

Every human being has the ability to completely control his own mind.

The carpenter is not the best who makes more chips than all the rest.

Being left makes you doubt your ability to keep people, even friends.

It's the person who has done nothing who is sure nothing can be done.

Pluripotent cells have the ability to grow into any cell in the body.

Freedom keeps us soaring, but quarreling destroys our ability to fly.

I have such a strong belief in women's ability to sustain each other.

He was an outsider who lived by his ability to manipulate the inside.

People are always ready to admit a man's ability after he gets there.

I think it's just a lack of ability, we're incapable of writing hits.

Understand that you have the ability to get healthy and stay healthy.

Men take only their needs into consideration - never their abilities.

The ability to keep your mouth shut is usually a sign of intelligence

Make a true estimate of your own ability, then raise it ten per cent.

Cooperation is the redeeming ability of man to be better than himself.

Do not compare yourself. Find out what God has placed in your ability.

I'm very learning-disabled, and I think it drove me to what I'm doing.

I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability.

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