I'm really outgoing, but there's times I want to be by myself.

I don't know if I would describe myself as a political artist.

Art is nothing if you don't reach every segment of the people.

Be drawn to the visual arts for it can expand your imagination.

These people are fascinated by me, but I haven't done anything.

Art is the only place you can do what you like. That's freedom.

Art is two things: a search for a road and a search for freedom.

The shelf life of an artist or musician isn't particularly long.

Much of my work is engaged with 'America' - the idea of America.

I would have given you the world if you had given me the chance.

I think making features has got to be in the addiction category.

I'm way more influenced by my children than I was by my parents.

My work may feature brown faces but it could be anybody's story.

Always face your challenges head on and make them your strengths.

A lot of my work is about text taken to the point of abstraction.

Performances have a bit of a life and a time scale to themselves.

Most of my artwork is geared towards being humorous in some light.

Art should be serious, not a joke. I dont like to laugh about art.

Pure art exists only on the level of instant response to pure life

The Art of Vermeer must have been there on the morning of creation.

Any work that is really great hovers between terrific and terrible.

It's the way life is, I suppose. Whatever happens, you deal with it.

Photography is a distributive act leading to a privileged condition.

Art is the splendor of reality before everything has become meaning.

An artist's job is to articulate what might otherwise be incoherent.

Most of the time, I never go back. I leave my brush mark and move on.

To believe, one must have lost God. To paint, one must have lost art.

Art is always to a large extent about need, despair and hopelessness.

If something sticks with me for a long time, it goes into a painting.

The photobook occupies that deep area between the novel and the film.

In a global world, we should be citizens. Dignity has no nationality.

Drawing and masturbation were the first sacred experiences I remember.

Some speak of a return to nature, I wonder where they could have been?

Everything is shared by everything else; there are no discontinuities.

My job is not to produce answers. My job is to produce good questions.

Just when you think you can't go on, somewhere a little light comes on.

My photographs are not pure: they are a seething wealth of imperfection.

Throwaway snapshots come closest to achieving the state of pure picture.

The gaps between the forms worry me. I can never get these spaces right.

Usually, the subject matter of the image is not the subject of the work.

It's a moment that I'm after, a fleeting moment, but not a frozen moment.

There's a moment of awe when you watch the colors dry and become lighter.

I like the idea of the artist going out in the world, creating a dialogue

I don't like touching things that are the curatorial flavor of the month.

The ideal photographic document would appear to be without author or art.

The first right an immigrant is stripped of is the right to be political.

As an artist, you're always somewhat obscure. We're not talking Hollywood.

Unlike sitting at a computer screen, printing is very direct and hands-on.

Thankfully, I have other skills than just standing there and looking cute.

I said to myself, "If the government thinks I'm an artist, I must be one."

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