If I had my life to live over, I would do it all again, but this time I would be nastier.

There is no word more generally misinterpreted than the word egoism, in its modern sense.

It is often said by reformers that government should be conducted upon business principles.

Pointing fingers, trying to catch each other in scandal does not bring honor to this House.

Small use it will be to save democracy for the race if we cannot save the race for democracy.

The egoist is fooled by no ideals: he discards them or uses them, as may suit his own interest.

You know, this is not about endorsements in the primary. We have to get through a primary first.

I often think what interesting history we are making for the student of the twenty-first century.

At present, financial crises occur, chiefly because the paper currency is redeemable in gold only.

So much of our attention is trained on the Middle East these days, but we cannot ignore East Asia.

Finally, people are starting to recognize freedom and peace do have a cause, they do have a price.

Primaries are a family fight. I'm a pro-free enterprise, pro-Second Amendment, pro-life Republican.

In brief, egoism in its modern interpretation, is the antithesis, not of altruism, but of idealism.

I have said repeatedly that in this country we track library books better than we do sex offenders.

A likely source for terrorists seeking to buy or steal nuclear materials is the former Soviet Union.

Certainly I had my preference, and I very much hoped that George W. Bush would be our next president.

I worked for suffrage for years, and got it. I've worked for peace for 55 years and haven't come close.

War is the slaughter of human beings, temporarily regarded as enemies, on as large a scale as possible.

In precisely the same way money is often hired, and the hire paid for the use of it is called Interest.

If they are going to have war, they ought to take the old men and leave the young to propagate the race.

But despite this breathtaking pace, I believe in the capacity of our democracy to meet these challenges.

Go! Go! Go! It makes no difference where, just so you go! go! go! Remember, at the first opportunity, go!

Go! Go! Go! It makes no difference where, just so you go! Go! Go! Remember, at the first opportunity, go.

Everyone has said very supportive things coming out of D.C. today. We can't wait when the race has begun.

Not an old woman that buys a paper of pins, without yielding a part of the price to the banks as interest!

However near and dear to you may be your wife, children, friends, they are not you; they are outside of you.

We have to get it into our heads once and for all that we cannot settle disputes by eliminating human beings.

The temptations are great to simply retreat to the domain of private life and give up on our public problems.

Men are not killed because they get mad at each other. They're killed because one of them has a gun in any dispute.

The greatest threat to peace is the barrage of rightist propaganda portraying war as decent, honorable, and patriotic.

It`s an absolute abomination. Whether intentional corruption or mismanagement , it seems like FEMA is just a money pit.

If you're against war, you're against war regardless of what happens. It's a wrong method of trying to settle a dispute.

I've got a bit of an independent streak. I'm not afraid of bipartisan compromise on issues that are important to the nation.

Bribes are not offered in such a way that you can prove them, and in order to prove that I didn't accept a bribe, I had to run.

We need a balanced, long term energy policy to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and preserve the beauty of the land we love.

If New Mexican voters believe the path to create American jobs is keeping taxes low, then they have an option. That's my campaign.

As we enter into the 110th Congress, it is imperative that we address ethics reforms needed to make this institution run correctly.

A man must walk only his own path...Never another's or his feet will grow tired and sore. And he will feel lost even when he arrives.

Selfishness makes Christmas a burden; Love makes it a delight. The joy of brightening a child's heart creates the magic of Christmas.

I support legal immigration. I don't support amnesty because it is not fair to people standing in line at consulates around the world.

I can assure you, public service is a stimulating, proud and lively enterprise. It is not just a way of life, it is a way to live fully.

I followed the law. Before God, before the law, before the people of the state of Florida who elected me, I know that I followed the law.

Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love. It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air.

There can be no compromise with war; it cannot be reformed or controlled; cannot be disciplined into decency or codified into common sense.

We reasoned that the men would find it difficult to vote against the women in their home states when a woman was sitting with them making laws.

But in the end our government usually - not unfailingly - is responsive to the people; and usually - not always - will try to do what is right.

One half of the world's people live on less than two dollars a day. This should concern our national security policy as well as our conscience.

Addressing global resentment cannot be put off. If we do not learn to use our predominant power with great restraint, we will antagonize the world.

The H-1B visa program which helps sustain our rapidly growing economy and also helps meet the health care needs of families living in rural New Mexico.

The travel and tourism industry is the lifeblood of many states around the country - including Florida, California, New York and Nevada, to name a few.

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