Everyone should have a great leather jacket in their wardrobe. It is perfect to wear with a T-shirt and jeans and great pair of high tops.

In South Africa there are many women with a large chest. There you are not embarrassed when you visit a lingerie store to get a bra fitted.

If my assistant goes off and becomes successful, and people want to work with him, I'd take that as a compliment that I'd trained them well.

Even though photographers are only shooting the outside, beauty is more about who you are as a person - the life you lead - not your facade.

At the Academy Awards every year, there are best-dressed stars - and worst-dressed stars. But it's the worst-dressed that go down in history.

Growing up in a system that tells you just because of your skin colour you are not good enough - you learn at a very young age to toughen up.

By your words, you form your destiny - what you say within yourself determines the end promise of your life! Your future lives in your mouth!

In the New Testament, Jesus talks more about stewardship and finances and management of your life than anything else outside the love of God.

I believe everyone should have a pair of 'party pumps,' something with a little bit of sparkle that is attention grabbing and makes you happy.

The strange thing is, no matter what, when you become some kind of public figure, you have your go-to answers for all scenarios and instances.

Hopefully I'll be successful with the singing, but there are so many other things I want to do, like acting. I'll do them one at a time first!

You're either in a position of abundance or you're in a position of poverty. Now, that's every area of your life. That's not just financially.

Because God says that he raises up and places all people in places of authority, it is God who raises up a king. It is God that sets one down.

I'm obsessed with the Clarisonic brush. It actually makes you feel like you've had a facial. It helps prevent ingrown hairs after shaving, too.

I did everything by the numbers. I had checklists upon checklists. If I wasn't ahead of everybody on my team, I didn't feel I was doing my job.

You do get some weirdos, but if there are any nice people out there who want to write to me pleasantly, then they'll get a pleasant reply back!

I missed my youth because I was dancing, I didn't do all the crazy stuff. I didn't have boyfriends or anything - the first man I met I married!

God lays claim to all firsts. So when you keep for yourself something that belongs to God you are desecrating what is to be consecrated to God.

Si's beard is really awkward. One side is longer than the other, and it's about three different colors. I don't think he washes it. It's nasty.

I have a very small platform, and if I can use that to reach some kid who's teased for being effeminate or likes clothes, then I've done my job.

Just know this, if that day does come where I do win this mirrorball, know that I didn't just win it for me, but I won it for all of us with MS.

My main dream - and I'm trying to get 'Living TV' to do it - is to go into prison and interview serial killers, rapists, murderers, psychopaths.

And since I just turned 32, I'm thinking about getting married, having a family, and that's very difficult to do on the road as a correspondent.

There are already current laws on the books and there are - and jurisdictions. The IRS can come in and do any kind of investigation of a person.

My middle name should be 'Drama,' but I love it. I think everyone should have some kind of stress in their life; otherwise, it's boring isn't it?

I am absolutely overjoyed to be joining 'Strictly.' I have so much respect for the other judges and hope to add my own bit of sparkle to the show.

In this day and age of texts, Twitter, and Facebook, we are very rarely surprised by anything anymore - something always leaks out and gets spoiled.

I'm continuing to do what I have always done, which is minister to people with the ultimate goal of fulfilling God's plans for my life and ministry.

I really hate sitcoms on television with canned laughter and stuff. What really makes me laugh is the real-life stuff. I've got a dry sense of humor.

From shoes that are a size too small to a dress that doesn't fit quite right, there are incredible pieces in most wardrobes that have never been worn.

When you find your authentic self, your identity - your true identity - how many people work a job they hate or live a life, they're going oh my gosh.

What matters to the evangelical community is Supreme Court justices, economy, religious liberty, Israel, lower courts, human trafficking and abortion.

Norman Vincent Peale brought the Gospel in a very practical way in our time of history for not only New York but our nation and also the Trump family.

My life and my whole eternity belongs to God. All this stuff is temporary. Money, fame, successtemporary. Even life is temporary. Jesusthat's eternal.

Keep your eyes peeled: Honor's the label to watch. It's quickly becoming a serious celebrity favorite - just ask fans Kirsten Dunst and Kelly Osbourne.

"You're All That" goes back to really building a life from the core of who you're. And all of those things are layers. That's just your authentic life.

For me, people see me working with my celebrity clients, but it's important to show people how they can make their lives their own red carpet every day.

A 'lewk' is like, 'I'm wearing a lewk today,' it's something that everybody will notice. It's like you're out of the pages of a magazine, that's a lewk.

I don't give up on people. I don't have a dimmer switch. It's who I am. Until I am kicked out, I will be with you. I don't abandon people. I just don't.

At the end of the day, I know that I make my living by dressing up, fooling around, playing pranks and giving people a good time. I am enjoying the ride.

The audience went from hating me to loving me to hating me to loving me. They probably would have f - ed me then rewarded me, f - ed me then rewarded me.

I was working as a flight director on the Gemini IX mission, and it seemed almost overnight I was picking up the responsibilities for the Apollo Program.

When I was 15, all the boys at school had off-road motorbikes. I wasn't allowed to have one, so I just went out and bought one. My parents took the keys.

Listen to 100 of my sermons, and 80 or 90 of them will be about overcoming our struggles and the lessons God teaches us in valleys he allows us to enter.

As an Old Navy style attendant, I'm all about upgrading your bare basics and presenting them to your customer as basics you need to have in your wardrobe.

Everybody can remember outfits like Celine Dion's backwards Dior tuxedo... these 'worst' dresses become part of pop culture, and we keep referencing them.

You really do have the license during fashion week to wear the things that you wouldn't necessarily wear to dinner, because it really is a fashion parade.

Unfortunately as the result of the shutdown of the shuttle program, we lost an entire generation of people experience and capable of making risk judgment.

The other thing that I love too is the enthusiasm of the QVC customer. She loves fashion, she loves looking great, and she loves discovering something new.

You have to realize I grew up in a real hockey town. And there I was wearing bow ties and watching the gayest movies on the face of Earth, like 'Clueless.'

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