Sometimes we'll only get one script in a year that we want to make that we feel is good enough.

By the time I was a teenager, there wasn't a show I hadn't inhaled or a character I hadn't met.

There's still nothing like a book to really make you feel like you've disappeared into a world.

I'd like to hire Hillary Clinton. She looks unhappy at the State Department. She'd get ratings.

I like spaghetti bolognese, I like baked beans on toast. I hate French food. I hate fancy food.

You never want to have that ticking clock and know that you had all this time and didn't use it.

Do I take alternative points of view? Yes, because all the media are going in another direction.

I've always liked working on stories that combine people who are relatable with something insane.

I'm not trying to be coy or manipulative or Machiavellian, I want to spark people's imaginations.

I think I'm a great organizer. Not that I'm organized, but I'm a great organizer of other people.

You've heard the saying, 'Analysis creates paralysis.' You can't be 100 percent sure of anything.

I can't say that I have ever been fanatical about a show. To be honest, I'm not a big TV watcher.

People also don't care about the daily comings and goings of diplomats and yet we must report it.

I was on a game show and now I'm the game show girl who got a movie. That's how I consider myself.

I love movies with spectacle but spectacle can be a performance, it doesn't have to be a creature.

The idea to put episodes out weekly in theory makes as much sense as putting them all out at once.

We want to create these dramatic situations, whether they are real or not, to entertain audiences.

If you look around the room, and you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room.

Even the most powerful people at a given point in terms of class, will all play by the same rules.

The '50s and the '70s are sort of similar in that they're both times of major paranoia in America.

People always describe my successes in life. My successes in life tend to be personal, not career.

Anybody who knows me knows that half the time I'm saying things with a somewhat humorous overtone.

No, what I am doing is kind by telling people who are useless, "Do something that you're good at".

I don't know if I'm going to do any more acting. It's a great job, you know? Make a movie? Why not?

The supernatural world, the sci-fi world - they give you scenarios that can truly be life or death.

The best shows are always the ones that are very, very low-concept and just about great characters.

I got a lot of texts from friends and emails from friends and most of them were just pure jealousy.

Just because somebody else likes a candidate doesn't necessarily mean everybody else will like him.

I don't want my son to have to collect a bunch of 'New York Times' articles to see what I was like.

The ability of a television series to make adjustments is something you've got to take advantage of.

It's important to stand up for your work - otherwise somebody else will step in and say they did it.

I think habits and behaviors are very hard to change. And they're even harder when you're back home.

A long-running show leaves behind a legacy of storytellers and their relationship with the audience.

The problem with ratings is that you can give yourself a million reasons why they are what they are.

I believe in the importance of sincerity and emotion and honesty in TV, even when it's goofy comedy.

If people know you'll go to any lengths for your client, they're less likely to play games with you.

I think you've got to be honest with yourself at what you're good at. That's the hardest thing to do.

I don't like villains who are just villains. People who are just there to be bad - ugh - so annoying.

There are a lot of things you do in a supernatural universe that can toe the line and cross the line.

Is television literally functioning as our conscience, tempting us and rewarding us at the same time?

People will pay for content ... Everybody is going to have to start charging. They'd be crazy not to.

As writers, we only aim to please. Or we aimed to please as children, which is why we became writers.

We're Americans. It's a culture. We should defend that culture, and we should reinforce that culture.

There was nothing I could - and wanted to - learn in school. It was just a complete waste of my time.

I sort of love the idea of, you know, watching something and then having to wait for the next episode.

Kevin Williamson and I wrote a show about loss and grief that just so happened to have vampires in it.

Access to high quality video content -- essentially TV programming -- has never been better than today

I like to do all things. I've been fortunate enough to be able to do a bunch of them at the same time.

People love solving puzzles, and you always love it when somebody smarter than you is solving puzzles.

We have hated the French for years. Now you have just joined the club. It makes you much more likable.

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