Television and film are such streamlined story mediums. You can't really meander about, whereas a novel is an interior experience.

Every word, movement and action has an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent.

Cat people are different, to the extent that they generally are not conformists. How could they be, with a cat running their lives?

Everyone always says that conflict is drama, and I agree, but I also don't think you need drama everywhere. Or conflict everywhere.

I guess I still have this motto: 'What else can I get away with?' And unpredictability in film - that's the hardest thing there is.

I love having debates with people when they are debates but some people, you just can't. Some people shouldn't be given the oxygen.

My proudest achievement has been the success of the shows and artists I have been involved with, because they were made in Britain.

One of the things I've learned by working on the 'Walking Dead' and other TV shows is to be more tolerant of other people's process.

When I was a kid going into the movies, you weren't force-fed information everywhere you looked about what the movie was going to be.

The idea of an election is much more interesting to me than the election itself...The act of voting is in itself the defining moment.

When you have to spread heroism across too many players, you don't get to really dig deep into each of them as much as you'd want to.

People go to the zoo and they like the lion because it's scary. And the bear because it's intense, but the monkey makes people laugh.

I care more about making sure the story is correct and the characters are behaving in character than I do about the individual jokes.

I think the media is dangerously close to creating their own product. They used to cover the product, which was whatever's happening.

I look for something unique, and I look for people who haven't reached their potential. I think I'm pretty good at developing talent.

I would advise people occasionally to take the media on, but only when you know it's a manufactured product and not a news interview.

I know there are limits to what a coach can accomplish in improving speechmaking unless the subject is a diligent student of himself.

I don't expect to win every battle but I think Fred Pierce has enough respect for me that I can go fight my battles and win my share.

I've never liked the idea you have to be a certain age to be a pop star. I like the idea that anybody can enter, anybody can compete.

I'm obsessed with cleanliness for myself, so I will take a bath three times a day, sometimes a steam twice a day in addition to that.

There's one argument that says we shouldn't be putting these kids on under the age of 16. I think you've got to take it case by case.

As she read the ten commandments for the first time, a Chinese woman said, "I don't see how anyone can very well get on without them."

It's a rule when you're welcomed in the Marvel family that you have to understand that you're going to be living in a code of silence.

I see myself as a first-draft writer, so when I sit down to write something, the first draft is usually pretty close to the end draft.

Using a certain sort of message can attract people to that message, and that creates power that you can either use responsibly or not.

In most news, if you hear a conservative point of view, that's called bias. We believe if you eliminate such a viewpoint, that's bias.

If you've got a big star like O'Reilly, it does overshadow what the hard-news guys do during the day. That's the nature of television.

I get very nervous when it's quiet, because I think it's dead. What I learned in the moment was to hold back a little before you talk.

I grew up when the whole Motown thing was huge. The charts in those days were dominated by groups more than solo artists at one point.

I've spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on the very best security and I can assure you my homes are as safe as the Bank of England.

I'm a great believer in getting checked out because if you know you're OK, you actually feel better; your mind plays a big part of it.

God bless Hollywood and all that it stands for, but, you know, people tend to peak in their 40s, and then it's all downhill from there.

When we are adding to those around us, the world, ourselves, it feels good and right on levels we cannot even consciously connect with.

Almost everything I do is related to my ability to hire good people. I don't take much of the credit myself. I think I have a good eye.

I never want to lose. I hate to lose... But Babe Ruth struck out 1,300 times. You can't hit the home run every time you come up to bat.

When there was a disaster, it used to be that people went to church and all held hands. Now the minute anything happens they run to CNN.

Content is King,' and with more screens needing entertaining content now than at any time in history, that statement is truer than ever.

I'm the kind of person who if I was playing the role of someone who got shot, I'd probably want to get shot so I knew what it felt like.

My kids - even though it's a family business - they don't even know what day or time 'Survivor' is even on. They just know it's on TiVo.

I want people to understand that from the minute Lady Gaga arrived, she created a new set of rules: being different is good; embrace it.

The notion that the staging of the play Harry Potter should be raw magic and street theater rather than high-tech theater, was essential.

'Content is King,' and with more screens needing entertaining content now than at any time in history, that statement is truer than ever.

Audiences are shifting. Platforms are shifting. Ages are shifting. It's better to be in charge of change than to have to react to change.

There are always people that will rise to the occasion when there is no occasion, but it is hard to find people will do it when there is.

I should get a dog. I would get a rescue dog. I like mutts; I don't care. I would probably get a three-legged dog no one else would want.

You have to treat every hour of television you're given like a $100 million movie, and with 'A.D.,' we stepped it up even a stage further.

I happen to think that the Latino audience is an essentially traditional audience and will go to Fox News for traditional American values.

Fox News Latino has a mission to point out the positives of the Latino population, operating within the framework of making America great.

You have this special connection with someone if you're their first record or their first concert or their first poster or whatever it is.

I was never given any hand-outs. I started at the bottom and was very good at finding people who knew more than me and learning from them.

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