The greatest tragedy is a life lived and died without knowing Father God intimately and experiencing His love personally.

Tearing up a picture of the Pope comes under the heading of a Comedy Killer. It kind of breaks the spirit of the evening.

I think that that the main problem with a lot of social media stuff in terms of ratings is it's a very skewed motivation.

All of comedy at some level is trial-and-error, whether it's a stand-up trying out jokes or a comedy show trying stories.

My feeling has always been if you entertain people, they give you permission to do more on a thematic or character level.

As a storyteller, you have the story that you tell, and you have the way you can tell it, and both are equally important.

The children should never be excluded from what I am doing and should never have the feeling of being part of an audience.

There are things in low comedy that make people uncomfortable, and there are things in high comedy that make people bored.

I am a salesman, I am an executive, I look at budgets, I think about power politics, but then I am also a creative person.

I love rich people. Any time I needed a job, I went to a rich person. I like poor people, but they never had a job for me.

I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself. I take the words. I scatter them... in time, and space. A message to lead myself here.

You sounded like someone who should be singing on a cruise ship. Halfway through your song, I wished the ship was sinking.

I don't know if it's rare, but from my experience, I think Suits does a lot more casting off of auditions than other shows.

I'm hoping that "South Of Wilshire" will help people to realize that these are places that they should patronize, not avoid.

In documentary, which is the only thing I'm really very familiar with, women are very easily relegated into a producer role.

I am of the opinion that there is more high-quality television being produced than at any time in the history of television.

I don't think any industry was ever as closely scrutinized and written about and constantly in the public eye as television.

If I tape an 11-hour day, guess which parts end up on air. Not the bits when I'm pleasant, but the parts when I'm obnoxious.

Children don't drop out of high school when they are 16, they do so in the first grade and wait 10 years to make it official.

Robotics are beginning to cross that line from absolutely primitive motion to motion that resembles animal or human behavior.

TV is really, really, really hard work. You sacrifice a lot of your personal life, a lot of your sanity, just to do one show.

In a non-supernatural universe, there's just character, and it's humanity and human beings and how they relate to each other.

I was in Los Angeles in 1968, and I was fortunate enough to be a writer on 'Laugh-In' and a couple of other television shows.

You just don't go out when you're over 55 years of age, have a colossal failure, and expect to find work in your field again.

Just as actors are afraid of child audiences because they're so honest, I would be scared stiff of going before the big folks.

What I'm still grappling with and learning how to do is to be looking and thinking cinematically, having come from television.

We are all more similar than we usually realize. So much of the suffering we do in our life is because of obsession with self.

You can't just sit around in leopard-print slippers and drink champagne all day and think everything's gonna work out somehow.

Anybody who pitches a story or an idea for a film to an executive, whatever the latest hit is, is what you're comparing it to.

There is a tendency in the media to simplify me to the point that I am somehow a tough guy. I think there is a lot more to me.

Let me introduce myself. My name is, uh, Kangaroo... Kangaroo - Captain Kangaroo ... I'm the keeper here of the Treasure House.

Any time you can create something that gets to a large audience is fantastic. And television still gets you to a huge audience.

I do all these panels where people are always talking about the lack of female directors, and I have a lot of opinions on that.

I'm incredibly proud of the show 'Portlandia' that I do, but it's designed for an audience that just wants that and loves that.

When you have kids, I think it makes them feel safer and be in a space to grow more and recognize patterns when routines exist.

I was the youngest producer of a national television show when I was twenty-five. I took it to 182 markets. Tremendous success.

My dad was an interior design and furniture person. I started working with him for four years before my first TV writing break.

On the key to a successful Twitter account: Write the things that you think are funny and that's what's gonna click with people.

These aren't like logging roads to get those blades in there. They're greater than 40 feet in width, almost like a superhighway.

I didn't get paid to write professionally until my first episode of 'Kyle XY,' which was the fourth episode of the first season.

I think that there is just a deep and abiding sexism that's part of your life from the moment that you're conscious as a female.

An instant family classic that is utterly unique but reminiscent of films like 'E.T.,' 'Sound of Music' and 'Life Is Beautiful.'

If you spend any time on the shooting of a drama, for television or movies, it's very slow and there's a lot of standing around.

To be a working actor in England is a life. I think it's harder in this country. Either you are a superstar or a starving actor.

National Lampoon lost its audience when it went from monthly magazine to bimonthly to quarterly to annual to just making movies.

I'm able to fight for myself, I'm able to speak up and feel like I have a voice, and I can be my own advocate and my own warrior.

The English were infuriating. Everything was designed to put an outsider at a disadvantage. If you had to ask, you didn't belong.

I stopped using Twitter for a while just because I got sick of it and I started using it again, but I don't check the "mentions."

I think a mistake a lot of people make is to identify a target audience and then work backwards into creating a product for them.

The way it works for us is, when I watch a character and I connect to a character, I'd love to bring them back and see them again.

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