To WWE and to everyone who owns WWE, it's a business, and if you become something to the people, you're going to become something to the company. It's just that simple now.

They're still advertising the added health-giving advantages of vitamins in your daily diet, although it has long since been shown that you'd be better off eating Smarties.

I've never stayed in a tent or a caravan in my life, and I never joined the Boy Scouts. I don't see the point of going on holiday to enjoy less comfort than I have at home.

It's no secret that my audience have always been interested in the fat loss side of what I do, but truth be told, I fell in love with training when I started weight lifting.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder how I do these things. I can embarrass myself so badly that I literally get a hot prickle down the back of my neck.

Food lovers tend to make life difficult for themselves on their travels. It's like travelling first class, if your expectations are so high, you're bound to be disappointed.

The really nice thing about the town of Hua Hin - and Thailand generally - is that it's so safe. You can walk around the night market, for example, with complete confidence.

The skills necessary to change nappies or negotiate Brexit are obviously very different, but both involve a great deal of trust in the competence of the people doing the job.

I think the British viewing and listening public are very fickle. If they like you they will listen to you, they will watch you. If they change their mind then it's all over.

I'm the youngest of three children and grew up in Ealing, west London. My eldest sister, Nutun, is nine years older than me, and my middle sister, Rupa, is three years older.

Most people don't go around talking about their miscarriages. It's not really something you shout about. What's more, people often feel embarrassed or even guilty about them.

You would be surprised at how many letters I get criticising me for straying outside the strict limitations of horticulture or even for expressing what is clearly an opinion.

Eating at home is fine, as I can easily work around the foods that don't agree with me and still eat heartily with the rest of my family. I don't force them to follow my diet.

There are going to be birthdays, weddings, BBQs and work dos and you are entitled to have a few drinks, a slice of cake, a pepperoni pizza or an Easter egg every now and then.

I was always quite anxious, but when I left uni and started to have serious relationships with men I became incredibly insecure about the fact that I was my parents' daughter.

I think the astute viewer can recognise I am the proper bloke, because I have a toolbox and can put things back together, and I can quote W. B. Yeats and Alfred Lord Tennyson.

It's fairly well known that we all hate each other to some extent. 'Top Gear' has worked because of a combination of camaraderie and mutual dislike. That's actually the magic.

I had an instamatic wind-on camera and remember buying the flashcubes and fixing on top of the frame. The flash credits were limited so you had to be careful not to waste any.

I had a difficult relationship with my parents, who died young, but they instilled self-discipline and a sense of honour and loyalty and accountability. I'm grateful for that.

People think I get this free wardrobe but, sadly, that's not the case. I sometimes sell my unwanted clothes and shoes at car-boots so I can buy more - that's my guilty secret.

The television presenting I have done has been quite sporadic, and it's normally only lasted a few weeks or months, so it would be really fun to get a gig that was a bit longer.

The transitional period was tough, I won't kid you. You go from a certain family dynamic to adjusting to a completely new one. It took a few months for us all to fi nd our feet.

The shirt thing just started one day when I bought one with a really interesting pattern, and people laughed at it, so I thought, 'I'll keep buying daft shirts with flowers on.'

I don't like Johannesburg, where I grew up. Everybody lives in 'gated' buildings, is paranoid about crime and is always talking about being mugged. It's not a very joyful place.

The culture now in television is that the presenter calls the financial and, increasingly, the creative shots. It is comparable to what happened in Hollywood 15 or so years ago.

There's nothing to be said for being famous. It's a pain. You can't be rude to people - it's inexcusable not to be nice. Anyway, it's not in my nature. I was trained to be nice.

I was always in trouble for chatting. My school reports all used to say, 'Donna is a very bright girl, but she must stop talking in class.' In the end, I made a career out of it.

I can be incredibly stubborn and I'm not sure how that reflects in my looks. The family name is German and translates as donkey! If I think I'm right, I hope I don't seem grumpy.

I remember thinking, at the end of 2015 on New Year's Eve, I'm actually quite glad to see the back of that one. 2015 was a bit complicated and had some very traumatic bits in it.

I don't think about being the Colin Firth of the gardening world. I live a very insular world based around my family and my home, and to them I'm not the Colin Firth of anything.

I'm not saying I'm proud of the fact I had a long affair with a married man, but it did help my business. By the time I married and had children I had the business under my belt.

There is a wall that's built up that leads us to believe we can't move at work, but that's not the case. We need to find those pockets of time where we can take care of ourselves.

If you're broke and you're living on the street and you're happy, you're still winning compared to someone who is rich and depressed, because your mental wellbeing is still there.

I did this show for Sky called 'King of the Nerds', which was a reality show looking for the world's biggest nerd, essentially, celebrating the geek, which is also what I'm about.

If you are looking to get lean, protein and veg is going to get you there. Starchy carbs should be timed around workouts only. Portion control is pivotal to keep calories in check.

There's no doubt that prog rock has an image problem: many musicians hate the label, and too many people associate it with 10-minute drum solos and the weirder bits of JRR Tolkien.

They say productivity is the key to confidence, and confidence ... to productivity. And they're happy walking back and forth between these two rooms, each the excuse for the other.

Economics is a good degree to have but the subject is very theoretical at Cambridge and I found it frustrating that you can't apply a lot of the models to particular circumstances.

I say throwaway, jokey things. When you're young-looking and you are presenting something that has gravitas you can't look down your nose, but when David Dimbleby does it, it's OK.

It is extremely important to understand that a healthy diet is a lifestyle change in that it's not something you can just dip in and out of and expect results and or optimum health.

I get really upset seeing my friends who are mums crying because they feel like they're not good enough. Clever, confident, kind young women all going, 'I'm ruining my child's life.

There are very few things in real life on which I agree with Jeremy Clarkson, surprisingly few for people who have to make a TV show together. But that's part of what makes it work.

Happiness is a by-product rather than an end in itself. It pops into your life unbidden, and then tends to pop out again. I'm on record as being depressive. It is related to winter.

I did drop out of uni, but I worked in PR for a while and then I worked as a runner on 'Loose Women,' 'The Alan Titchmarsh Show' and 'Hairy Bikers,' so I know how the industry works.

I'm more than happy to make a living out of my appearance in terms of my body. But I would never go out there and start promoting a personal decision I made, and getting paid for it.

If I have a big shoot and I'm gunning to get into shape I'll really be careful and consistent with my food but when I have a period off, I'll be more relaxed and balanced in my life.

I get really upset seeing my friends who are mums crying because they feel like they're not good enough. Clever, confident, kind young women all going, 'I'm ruining my child's life.'

If it were possible - and I hope it will be some day - I'd like some sort of anti-gravity travel capsule: some way to travel around the without the need for jets and wings and so on.

From a young age I was really into pop music because I had these two older sisters who were into it, and I wanted to be like them. They liked Wham! and so I was really into them too.

People outside the documentary world don't realize how time-consuming making a documentary film is there is a lot of responsibility, and in order to make something good you need time.

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