I feel like the networks always end up doing similar stuff at the same time.

I think it would be great to play a superhero. That will be one of my goals.

I was trained on stage at NYU in New York City; I did a lot of theatre then.

I like clothes that are easy to wear. I like to be comfortable and confident.

I have a line of clothing at J.C. Penney's... and I'm lucky to be affiliated.

I am being accused of all this plastic surgery, which is absolutely not true.

I always hated perfect TV moms because I always thought that was unrealistic.

When you're in N.Y.C. and they shut down one of the bridges, this is a movie!

You don't pass up roles that give you the opportunity to stretch and to grow.

Young people are often portrayed in a very negative and stereotypical manner.

I love being an actor and a job is a job, and I'm always happy to have a job.

I just have fun doing what I do. If it looks like a good time, I'm up for it!

I've got nice feet. I do pay quite a lot of attention to them. I always have.

I was this extremely dramatic actress. And then, suddenly, I was doing comedy.

You can't force chemistry. It's either there or it's not. You can't create it.

I think that people love 'Wipeout' simply because it's just plain, simple fun.

I just can't remember a time when I wasn't involved with animals and wildlife.

I think women have not been terribly kind to other women for a very long time.

I like to go out to different restaurants in New York. I'm a restaurant junkie.

The greatest thing about 'New Girl' is that you never can predict what is next!

If I grew up with a dysfunctional family, I would eventually start a book club.

I'd rather be number one on the worst-dressed list than number two on the best.

Accents are interesting, because they very often inform the way a person moves.

Not to be purple, but I've never been a 'bad boy' kind of girl. I like manners.

Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.

It comes down to personal style, and that's what's sexy and attractive in a man.

Remember this about the Korean War: The men were drafted; the women volunteered.

I grew up feeling like the ugly duckling, and things have not changed that much.

I've been broke more than I've been rich. I like being in the middle way better.

I would say, if I had any hobbies, I love photography. I love taking photographs.

I don't eat or wear animals, but I never tell people not to - that's just my view

I drink at least five bottles of water a day and always get eight hours of sleep.

'MotherFatherSon' was just an extraordinary read and I wanted to be a part of it.

You need to tune your instrument, which is your body and your mind, and your soul.

I'm not a girly girl, never have been. I really admire those who love to frock up.

I'm a black belt in karate. I grew up on the outskirts of Paris, and it was rough.

I don't eat or wear animals, but I never tell people not to - that's just my view.

We all live in fear of cancer, but to be told you have skin cancer was terrifying.

My preference is for really good writing, and I just really don't care where it is.

Working opposite Max Greenfield is the best job in the world. He's just incredible.

There's a certain comfort in being in supporting roles because it's not all on you.

'Tango' is very much an ensemble piece and I was devastated when I read the script.

I like shows that are ensemble-based, that explore the humanity of every character.

My life is so crazy! I learned early on to really embrace change and enjoy the ride.

I kind of feel like people like to dump on 'Home Improvement,' and I don't know why.

My weight has been an emotional roller-coaster for me, and I am ready to get off it.

I've always believed that humans are good at heart. But there's always the exception.

When you guest-star, you're usually at the center of the dramatic arc, so that's fun.

You take the constructive criticism, because without the fans you would have no show.

I work out with a trainer three times a week, and I try to take long walks and hikes.

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