Most high-level models that I've ever met are actually well-travelled; they're cultured, and no guy laying a cheesy line on them is actually going to impact their world.

M*A*S*H offered real characters and everybody identified with them because they had such soul. The humor was intelligent and it always assumed that you had an intellect.

I didn't act in Israel, but I wrote plays at home and acted in plays at school. I tried to get an agent when I was 12, but they told me that I had too much of an accent.

It's scientifically proven that chocolate improves your mood. There is something in it that can make you happier and I stand by that theory. Milk chocolate. It's so good!

My family never told me like you have to be one thing. What do you want to be when you grow up? They think it's the most ridiculous question. You can be many, many things.

I come alive the most when I am talking with people about following their dreams. Inspirational speaking is something I am very passionate about and will be doing more of.

Both 'Mabo' and 'The Sapphires' have been significant roles because it's about my people. They are celebratory stories, on top of allowing people to understand our history.

Hart Hanson is one of the coolest, smartest producers I've ever worked for. He's very open to ideas, he says no when he should, he says yes when it would work for the show.

I'm actually more comfortable playing the stroke victim or the girl with no makeup on, looking scruffy and it's all about what's going on inside rather than on the outside.

The Deadwood dirt they painted on us with powder. The air always smelled of livestock and something burning, gave a sooty, dense feel to the air. It was a mixture of odors.

In my early days depression did inhibit me because I was too debilitated and terrified to tell anyone why I couldn't get on a train from Manchester for auditions in London.

I always knew I wanted to be an actor. I was talented in college but not the most talented. But I knew I wanted to do it, and that intention got me there and kept me there.

Elektra isn't a villain and isn't a good girl, but as Frank Miller said, she is one of the villains with a weak streak in them, and that's a failure that I tried to explore.

I became hooked on 'In Treatment,' which was so finely written and performed. Such a simple idea, and yet it delved into very complex territory with real grace and humanity.

They see me as being this Super Mom on TV who also can more than handle a difficult husband, and they assume I'm going to be just full of wisdom as a mother and wife myself.

I did love 'Dirty Sexy Money' quite a lot. I loved my tenure at 'Scrubs' quite a lot. 'ER' might have been my favorite guest star thing. 'We Were Soldiers' meant a lot to me.

I like good movies. Not to say that there aren't wonderful sci-fi films out there, but it's not where I go first. It's not where I go first in the rental aisle, I should say.

My hope for my daughter is that she has the courage to at least try to do it all, to be kind to herself when it all doesn't come together perfectly, and to follow her dreams.

My worst holiday was in Athens when I was a young drama student at Rada in 1965. I ran out of money. I had my things stolen and I wasn't able to speak a word of the language.

An opportunity to honor the legacy of the lives drawn into the lines in my face, the broad of my nose, the dark of my eyes, the fullness of my lips, and coal in my complexion.

If I'm going out on the town in New York, I always wear Danielle Collins T-shirts - they are expressive, young: independent woman in charge of herself, her body, and her mind.

When you're a regular on your own show, there's a comfort level that you have with the crew and the other castmates, so going into work can feel like going to your second home.

What frustrates me about some high-concept shows is that they don't give you information until sweeps, but 'Jericho's' audience will get a large piece of the puzzle every week.

You have to keep your sanity as well as know how to distance yourself from it while still holding onto the reins tightly. That is a very difficult thing to do, but I'm learning.

I dated someone in the '90s who was really into Metallica, and I remember thinking at the time, 'That just sounds so heavy and hard.' But they have great ballads! Great ballads.

We want to bring awareness for all those cats still searching for their forever home and not only help them find their perfect match but also make the transition home a success.

I tried softball and soccer. I just didn't take as much of a liking to it as I did sitting in a movie theater and watching people recreate a story, and doing it myself, as well.

My first thought in life was wanting to be an actor. I was in ballet slippers and on pointe as soon as I could walk. I always wanted to be an actress, not a mother or housewife.

Anyone who has to be accountable in a time when resources are shrinking, where transparency is necessary, where the pressures are greater, is going to find that it takes a toll.

I loved 'Dirty Sexy Money.' That didn't have a long enough shelf life. I would've liked to explore that character and play with that cast longer. That was a lot of fun to shoot.

I try to construct some kind of backstory for my character so that I have an idea of the life of that character - not just from the moment when the scene starts, but from before.

One thing I've discovered is that people in the military have a sense of purpose. They feel useful, and everything is laid out in front of them. What their job is, is very clear.

Some people say that they read the first 20 pages, and then decide if they want to do the film or not. But, I have to read the entire thing cause anything can change in a script.

Some people say that they read the first 20 pages, and then decide if they want to do the film or not. But, I have to read the entire thing 'cause anything can change in a script.

Being in the public eye makes you frightened to talk openly about things - which is precisely why you should. You can really make a difference and open up subjects that are taboo.

Jessica Pearson isn't a unicorn. She's not a mythological creature. She's an example of so many women out there that are ruling their part of the world and doing an incredible job.

It's aspirational for me. I've lived as a cat lady. I'm happy to be a cat lady. I'll continue to be a cat lady. Just bring them all to my house, and I'll keep them all, no problem.

I'm a huge cook! I'm actually trying to write my first cookbook. I make an Indian-spice Bolognese and serve it over pasta. It's a combination of flavors that people aren't used to.

I don't think I'd ever want to direct. I don't think I have as much discipline to direct as I would like to have, and I don't want my hair color to not go grey during that process.

I wasn't one-hundred percent sure that Jenny Craig was going to be the right program for me, but I wanted to do something. So I sat down with the CEO of Jenny Craig, Patti Larchet.

I love swing, jazz, blues, standards. I love the American songbook, Gershwin, Berlin. It's all that. So I'm born in the wrong era and I just don't fit into the 21st century at all.

As a girl growing up in Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and then India, the idea of cracking the industry in America seemed crazy. So thankfully, the way I was raised was to be an open person.

Wipeout is a giant obstacle course for adults of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Whoever wins takes home $50,000 and gets to brag to all of their coworkers that they made it out alive!

I used to be so hard on myself. So hard on myself. Just my own worst critic to the nth degree. Absolutely undermining my confidence in every moment. Bad tape in my head all the time.

I don't ever want an acting to be a job. I want this to be an outlet for my creativity, and something I just simply enjoy doing. I don't ever want it to become something too serious.

I felt like I was flying without a net. But once I realized that the audience was my partner, I was flying a jet, because the people would allow me to develop the character on stage.

I loathed William Frawley and the feeling was mutual. Whenever I received a new script, I raced through it, praying that there wouldn’t be a scene where we had to be in bed together.

There's so many things that people do on a daily basis that they do as a way of defining who they are. But really, what defines who you are is when circumstances push you to the edge.

'Wipeout' is a giant obstacle course for adults of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Whoever wins takes home $50,000 and gets to brag to all of their coworkers that they made it out alive!

I think it's important to keep the audience interested. But the best advice that I've gotten is to live in the moment. Sometimes you can get too into your head when you're in a scene.

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