Am I attracted to people who want to give other people a voice? Yes I am, and that may be a 'common denominator with the characters that I play.

Celebrity and actor are two completely different professions, and I don't believe that they mix if you want to maintain any sort of credibility.

I'd been on 'SVU' before and I'd been on 'Criminal Intent,' but I wasn't a follower. Like, my mom watches every episode, even before I was on it.

I have never known what it feels like to wake up in the morning full of the joys of spring, and wander through the day feeling capable of coping.

I wanted to have some disdain in the way that she fights sometimes, because I think Elektra is a bit careless, like, 'You're in my way - get out.'

That is the most liberating thing to feel as an actor: that you don't have to hold back or be afraid. A bit might not work, but it doesn't matter.

As an artist, you reflect the world around you. To do that, you must dive in, take risks, fall on your face, win, and sometimes lose a great deal.

I'm never going to be a skinny girl, which is good. That's just not my thing. It's more about health and truly being comfortable in your own skin.

Everything that I do has to be something new and something challenging, or with people that I want to work with. I take jobs for different reasons.

I don't take Hollywood too seriously. I have kids that don't give a damn about what I'm shooting, they just want dinner. So that keeps me grounded.

I like clothes that are easy to wear. I like to be comfortable and confident. When people have an inner sense of confidence, they're more beautiful.

For me, the most important thing is the writing - and certainly the director. But if the writing isn't there, it doesn't matter who the director is!

My first time on camera was 'One Life to Live.' I mourn for actors coming up that the daytime soap opera is becoming extinct. It's theater onscreen.

Understanding that what it is that you're doing isn't limited to the roles and the rejection, it's bigger than that, it's about your purpose in life.

I love the funny and sweet moments I have with my cats, Jake and Frank, so I'm honored to be celebrating these moments at the Catdance Film Festival.

I can tell very early on, reading a script, within six or seven pages, whether I'm looking at real people, and whether I can see and hear real people.

[Harriet Tubman] lived such a full, complex, and irrefutably-dynamic life that all the craft in the world would be insufficient in honoring her legacy.

The First Lady is such a fascinating office to hold. You're not elected, but it's very much official. You can see the latitude of power of that office.

I never go for the stereotypically good-looking guy. Maybe it's unfair, but if I see a good-looking guy, inside I'm like, 'What does he have to offer?'

I got 'Elektra: Assassin,' and that's where I learned that she was a tortured soul. She's been through a lot and was possibly psychologically unstable.

All my friends are funny, witty, fun-loving people. As are my parents, and the people I work with. I get at least a couple of good laughs in every day.

Don't try to get involved with people on the Internet because it can be very dangerous. The whole point of 'Trust' is to inform people about this issue.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice because you see what the end goal is. When you have a dream and you want to get it done, you can't wait on other people.

Comedy has always been something I love, but for some reason - probably because of the British accent - I've always been pushed toward more period work.

I think true beauty is everywhere. Be it. See it. Notice it. Love it. Be grateful for it. Marvel at it. It's everywhere. It's all around us all the time.

Unfortunately, being a woman in society means that sometimes you have to sort of quell what is instinctually broad and magnificent and magical about you.

Fusion fashion - that's what I'm inspired by, taking all these different cultures and then trying to put it together that a girl here would love to wear.

I suppose one of the things that interest me about acting is unpicking what makes people tick and why they do what they do and what it means to be human.

In college, I had a crush on one of my professors. I used to bat my eyelashes and coo at him. He didn't respond at all, which made me like him even more.

I live in such a sweet world in the world of 'Home Improvement' that I tend to be drawn to stuff that's really on the other end of the spectrum entirely.

I Will Follow is a celebration of life. Sometimes when you lose something, you understand its value more than when you had it. The same is true for life.

I was trained in the theater, so I really learned a lot about how to work with the camera, just technically speaking, it's been an amazing learning curve.

Study and know that we are always a student of the craft well after we've completed any course of study... and approach the work as a servant, not a star.

Motherhood is wonderful, but it's also hard work. It's the logistics more than anything. You discover you have reserves of energy you didn't know you had.

Personally, I've always had to face casting directors or producers saying, 'You're right for the part, but nahh, you're not quite what we're looking for.'

I think I would choose to do things because they are interesting, because I like a character or because it's very well-written. Or because it makes sense.

I've never loved spending time on the machines at the gym. But I have discovered an exercise regimen I can dedicate myself to: yoga. It's changed my body.

As I feel this life growing and moving inside of me, all of a sudden everything else is not as important. There's a level of perspective that is changing.

I find it very beautiful to work in different countries because I see the mentality differences there. It is so rich, one always carries forward something

During a performance of 'Blood Brothers' in 1990, I forgot to sing. I was so moved by what my co-star Kiki Dee was doing, that I completely missed my cue.

There was kind of a pivotal moment in my life in junior high school when my English teacher told me I should be a part of the public speaking competition.

My mum won't speak to me unless I speak properly on the phone. I have to speak 'American' for work, so often the accent comes through when I'm not at work.

I've been on stage since I was nine years old, and I kind of stumbled into the world of hosting. That, to me, was the thing I had to build a skill set for.

I'm used to riding horses. My father used to breed horses when I was a child. I grew up in Tipperary, in the country, and lots of people have horses there.

So much of life is luck. One day you make a right turn and get hit by a car. Turn left and you meet the love of your life. I think I made the correct turn.

It wasn't so much that I was all alone on stage, but it was the realization of how much you need the response-you need the audience to tell you where to go

We look in... Germany for a superstar. We began with 10,000 people, which applied. From these 10,000, 100 was selected. The jury is unbelievably competent.

I find it very beautiful to work in different countries because I see the mentality differences there. It is so rich, one always carries forward something.

'I Will Follow' is a celebration of life. Sometimes when you lose something, you understand its value more than when you had it. The same is true for life.

I had no idea who Elektra was. When the producers asked me before I booked the job, I had to tell them. It was a great surprise when I actually got the job.

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