I am Constantly afraid, but it's a big driving force in my life. I'm more likely to try and tackle a fear than let it control me.

As a child, we visited the San Juan Islands during the summer. Kayaking, big family meals, playing on the beach - great memories!

What I love about superheroes, and Superwoman in particular, is that in that comics world, they're all curvaceous. They're strong.

Everybody knows who Reba is. She has one name, for goodness sakes! There's only, like, six people in the world that have one name.

I'm convinced we all have a God-shaped space in us, and until we fill that space with God, we'll never know what it is to be whole.

People understand about family; people understand about being in situations where you have to be brave. People get falling in love.

I don't have a fear of becoming a parent, but I do have a fear of taking care of a newborn because they are so tiny and vulnerable.

At this time I would like to encourage everyone to reach out to the ones you love. Let them have no doubt of what they mean to you.

I think it's a mistake to go after someone just based on looks. But I always respond to people who don't act that interested in me.

When I'm just walking around, I swap between the British and the American, and when I'm with my family I'm with my Nigerian accent.

We can list a bunch of actors who have embodied characters that aren't their nationalities, and I think that's the beauty of acting.

I had two different degrees: One in International Relations/Political Science and another degree in Radio and Television Production.

My father's family, I think, were mostly from Lancashire, but I don't know how far back we go. I think it's quite a few generations.

I was born and raised in Nigeria. We lived in England when I was 3 and 4, and I would go to summer school every year in Switzerland.

I want to do a romantic comedy. Like a 'When Harry Met Sally' romantic comedy... A really sweet, show-my-vulnerability kind of role.

I trained for the marathon. I run along the East River, and I used to run all the way down Manhattan, up the West Side and back home.

I never really thought it out. I just woke up one day, and I was involved in all these projects. They just seemed to involve animals.

I'm more into the old-school country myself, like Dolly Parton, and I guess it wouldn't be typical, but I really love Linda Ronstadt.

I think the public doesn't understand the rigors of shooting a show for an actor, much less when you're on location and away from home.

I love the weather in L.A., and I can drive 20 minutes to the beach, hike minutes from my house or go snowboarding a couple hours away.

I'm not panicking any more or worrying about the next job. It was exhausting and making me very unhappy, and I was missing out on life.

I sample a little bit of everything - a bit of 'House,' a little bit of 'Prison Break.' I love 'Project Runway;' it's my favorite show!

Part of the whole L.A. mentality that nothing really matters unless it's a success... is such a shallow and dangerous attitude to have.

I watch 'Jeopardy!' every night and 'Wheel of Fortune' follows. And every time I'm like, 'Whoa, it's still on! This is still happening!'

Love is love. It doesn't matter about sexuality, it's just about how you feel towards somebody else and being good and honest with them.

An actor really suffers when the director isn't prepared because you start running out of time for the shoot and then have to do it fast.

My name is very specific to my family. I'm very proud of being Nigerian. I understand that most people can't pronounce it, but that's OK.

I feel it is a blessing, a duty, an honor, that we give the love that we have, and we share the lives that we have with our fullest heart.

Life is very cyclical. And my career has been very-high-very-low, very-high-very-low, and I think it'll probably keep on rolling that way.

I don't like comparing projects. I find it too difficult because I can't objectively look at a piece when I'm so subjectively involved it.

I was forever changed by my experience on "Once and Again." All of us who were on that show have deep connections... familial connections.

I was forever changed by my experience on 'Once and Again.' All of us who were on that show have deep connections... familial connections.

Accents are very easy for me. With me, it's clothing and makeup and hair and all that stuff that inform how the character moves and feels.

Often women are pitted against each other for an easy joke, so they fight or steal each other's boyfriends. That's not really true to life.

All of my relationships have happened organically with people who are super cool and in my life and it just moved into a relationship zone.

Theater is the only thing I always came back to. When I was 9, I asked my mom if I could be on TV. She was like, "Well, okay. You can try."

I haven't done 'Celebrity Poker Showdown,' and I would love them to have me, but I think I'm not a big enough celebrity yet to get on there.

I have managed to get through that tricky turn into your 50s with two great roles. It is great to see characters for women of a certain age.

I'm lucky to play Elektra. So far, it's the most exciting part I've ever had to play. I've done the physicality a bit before, and I enjoy it.

Something as unique as 'Scrubs' is a tough act to follow. It's hard to find something that good that you want to really make a commitment to.

I think I have a very strange, hybrid accent, and I've worked very hard to get a solid American accent, which is what I use most of the time.

One of the things I love about 'Rubicon' is I really recognize the New York City that they're depicting in it, having lived here for 15 years.

The thing about dating someone who listens to a totally different genre than you is they can help you find things to appreciate in that genre.

I eat a salad every single day. I also have been doing the juice 'thing' after every workout, and I try to drink a half-gallon of water a day.

Television has been very good to me. I grew up on it, and it had quite an impact on me. I'm entertaining opportunities that are coming my way.

Here's a trick to giving the birds-and-bees talk: You gotta do it in a car, so they can't escape. That's what all my girlfriends' parents did.

Good actresses can often accomplish miracles, and it is possible to be someone you've never been or will be. But in a sitcom, there's no time.

Everyone asks me if I'm the princess or if my brothers beat me up. The younger ones I can deck pretty easily. With the older ones, it's harder.

That's when the great stuff happens, when you're not checking yourself all the time, being critical of yourself and what other people are doing.

Everyone at home thought I was nuts when I said I wanted to be an actress, and I'm sure they were just trying to protect me from disappointment.

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