When you see anyone being targeted, support her or him with a positive comment or emoji.

When we're binging, we do not think about death. We just think about how good it tastes.

I have been up to my head just with calling people, I call about 50 to 100 people a day.

If I'm off the stage after two or three years I get itchy and I have to get back onstage.

You always know when something works it's a result of everything firing on all cylinders.

I will confess I did none of my own singing. I did all my own costume and makeup, though.

When you get to 15 and most of your teachers are priests, there's bound to be a conflict.

Our parents were just brilliant parents who encouraged us to do whatever we wanted to do.

I was fortunate to work with some very powerful producers like Tom Miller and Bob Boyett.

I don't believe in miracles, but if the need is great, a girl might make her own miracle.

For myself, Queer Eye feeds more to my heart and my soul than as a platform for a career.

If I don't take care of myself, if I don't feel good about myself, how can I help others?

The fact is, there is only one body ideal in fashion, and most likely, you don't have it.

I know I'm supposed to say this, but I really, genuinely think Matt Damon is a great dude.

Is it demonstratable? Does it have that wow factor? Is it easy to use? Is it priced right?

My voice, my likeness is my livelihood. That's it. I keep it simple. I pick good products.

I love going to concerts, so that whole environment is something that intrigues me anyway.

I like thinking about what could be out there, and I love the questions that sci-fi poses.

The people you save won't celebrate you. They'll gather the wood and cheer while you burn.

I never wanted to look back on my career and be embarrassed about work that I chose to do.

I was a stand-up comedian for 10 years, if you can believe it. And I gave it up at age 22.

Smart beauty is about looking your best and feeling your best and never overpaying for it.

In the last couple of years, fashion's gotten a lot safer. People are really pulling back.

I was on this bridge overlooking the carpet... I think it went all the way back to Oregon.

I love travelling with my laptop because I get a bit nervous if I can't access my e-mails.

Most of what gets made now, you laugh your way through, go home and forget you've seen it.

I was a chemical engineer in school. And, randomly, an ex-girlfriend dared me to do a play.

It's a funny business. I kind of compare it to baseball. I'm always looking for a home run.

I'm blessed and proud and privileged to have played two wonderful characters on television.

Throughout the course of my life, I've been blessed to work with extremely talented people.

For all the creationists out there, Darwin's just an atheist. But he was actually agnostic.

Conversation is three women stand on the corner talking. Gossip is when one of them leaves.

You have to be respectful of pop culture, because people interpret it in the way they want.

My mom raised us three boys by herself on welfare. It's not worse than anybody else's life.

Sooner or later we've got to tie the saving of the natural world to our own public welfare.

Jackson Rathbone—he is a prankster. Constantly scaring people from behind, stuff like that.

Be mindful of clickbait - sensational stories designed to humiliate. Click with compassion.

Each single gesture of art must be daring. One must not be concerned with the side-effects.

I love Taco Bell. Whenever I go there I could get anything on the menu and be totally happy.

A lot of times evil - or, in the case of comedy, stupid - is more interesting than the hero.

I came into the industry at a time when there weren't a lot of choices to what you could do.

Raising a child is an on-the-job kind of thing. There arent a whole lot of manuals for that.

Some people can touch your life for a brief moment but will leave an imprint for a lifetime.

Feeling alone and unseen can intensify the experience of being harassed, shamed, or bullied.

I don't have to teach anymore, I don't have to work anymore, God has been really good to me.

If people confront me with certain questions, if they are not right, I will not answer them.

We are America; we don't torture. And the moment that is not the case, I want off the train.

I love Taco Bell. Whenever I go there, I could get anything on the menu and be totally happy.

If you have to go back and spell-check the text you're about to send, you're saying too much.

I have a green thumb. I really like to get into the shrubs, the bushes, and really cultivate.

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