114 isn't as old as it used to be they say its the new 104.

Being funny is a gift, and, when done well, is an art form.

Nothing says romance like hobos, martyrs and decapitations.

Aphrodisiacs come in many forms: food, drink, the internet.

Humans are the only animal who can have sex over the phone.

Admitted to Playboy in 1993 that he smoked marijuana twice.

In America, we have a media that lives in its own universe.

The guy [Bill Clinton] was a known, let's say, "raconteur."

Conservatism in general is bad, and it's racist and sexist.

I don't care where Obama goes. He can go wherever he wants.

Santa will be showing up with Rudolph the Red-Eyed Reindeer.

I'm shocked to find out we still sell something people want.

I'm not aware of having a creepy laugh, but apparently I do.

I'm a vulgar lounge entertainer, I don't need to wear a tie.

I'm a fast healer. I was on the air a week after I got shot.

Don't use your bedroom for work, unless you're a prostitute.

I had no idea this thing was televised. Boy, is my face red.

Sexual harassment is complex, subtle, and highly subjective.

If you settle for what you've got, you deserve what you get.

Love someone too much to help them prevent making a mistake.

We're all born pessimists. It takes effort to be optimistic.

Apparently Hillary [Clinton] doesn't come off as warm fuzzy.

If you're getting married less you're getting less divorces.

I would just say Hillary [Clinton] did win the popular vote.

There's no problem being wrong; it's a learning opportunity.

It seemed that I performed better sober than drunk. Who knew?

The world can be such a fright, but it belongs to us tonight.

You have Kim Jong Il, and you have his brother, Menta Lee Il.

Keep in mind that your individual vote doesn't mean anything.

If personal safety means discrimination, then I'm all for it.

If I'm in love I want to get married. That's how stupid I am.

Banning prayer in school in effect made God unconstitutional.

Most people settle because they don't like themselves enough.

Your path at 22 will not necessarily be your path at 32 or 42.

A junkie will steal your purse, and then help you look for it.

I proved to my own satisfaction that I am madder than I think.

I'd do a podcast about guys wearing shorts when it's too cold.

I've had nothing but great friendship to help me through this.

People may be in awe of perfection, but they warm to humanity.

Your ability to make things happen is what makes you different

Our founding fathers never intended that Congress be a career.

Great presidents don't just fight good fights - they win them.

As secretary of state Hillary Clinton was rolled by everybody.

[Donald] Trump lost two electors, Hillary [Clinton] lost five.

After all, Bill Clinton is the guy that signed welfare reform.

It's easy to blame other people when things aren't going well.

Ronald Reagan defeated Soviet communism without firing a shot.

I'm just trying to make a smudge on the collective unconscious.

I once said the Queen of England could use some fashion advice.

I felt no stigma whatsoever in becoming the third Mrs. Gifford.

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