Obama is from this group that resents the private sector, resents the capitalistic means of production.

The number of people, the labor force, has shrunk by nine million human beings since Obama took office.

"Radicalized" is a new keyword for you to understand that allows our government to not say "terrorism."

Barack Obama wants to be the power figure, he wants to be the face of the Democrat Party going forward.

Are you excited about the recall election? Arnold's campaign has a new slogan: 'Win one for the groper.'

Wouldn't it be great if our national news media had standards as high as the National Football League's?

Football is brutality. Football is career-ending, life-threatening injury just by stepping on the field.

[The Democrats] can't stop anything. It's why everybody's so confused why they reelected [Nancy] Pelosi.

The worst gift I was given is when I got out of rehab that Christmas; a bottle of wine. It was delicious.

Acid gave me a clinical, unblinking look at madness, and I discovered I wasn't brave enough to be insane.

No one tells me what they think because they're either intimidated by me, or they don't want to upset me.

Everybody is wondering what Paris Hilton will be doing next, and hell, I'm wondering what she did before.

You get into an elevator and there's music playing. You hear it, but you're not into it. That is passive.

Folks, we are in the midst of dangerous times like you cannot believe, and Donald J. Trump is the target.

You can do a lot things in the ensuing four years waiting to vote. You can drum up support or opposition.

Every generation thinks the cultural rot during their time is worse than it's ever been. That's not true.

Barack Obama doesn't think this country should be number one. If it were number 35 it'd be fine with him.

Obamacare won't just bankrupt the country. It may bankrupt small businesses. It may bankrupt individuals.

There isn't anything you can expose Trump on that people don't already know and haven't already accepted.

Forget about being comfortable at school if you're straight, if you're conservative, if you're Christian.

When you find your passion, that becomes your energy source and that becomes what you commit yourself to.

Being a victim is almost as easy as being a liberal. It's one of the most gutless choices you could make.

If we don't like a radio or TV show, we turn it off. If the left don't like it, they try to shut it down.

I don't care what you think of social media, and I don't care what you think of the people that comment .

This woman [Hillary Clinton] is as steeped and deep inside the establishment as anybody in this campaign.

We come to know who we really are in life during the dark and difficult and desolate days of our journey.

MTV was such a great training for me. I did live interviews with everyone from Michael Jackson to Madonna.

Carson is an old family name, though my grandma used to watch Johnny all the time and was crazy about him.

It's a good thing I was born in this century, when superfluous television seems to be part of the economy.

It's so warm now, and Thanksgiving came so early - is it just me, or does it not really feel like Ramadan?

Republicans are having trouble luring Gov. Chris Christie into the presidential race. They should try pie.

Since 1980, there have been 91 breaches of security at the White House. Well, 92 if you count George Bush.

Insiders say that Trump is running for president as a publicity stunt. That's not the Donald Trump I know.

We have defeated Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The good news is Iraq is ours, and the bad news is Iraq is ours.

Mitt Romney and his family have a big two-day weekend plan. They're going to hike to the top of his money.

Marco [Rubio] now is attached to that establishment. I don't see his future, not in this particular cycle.

I sometimes wish I weren't as logical as I am and I wish I weren't as smart as I am, because I'd be happy.

Would you pull the lever for yourself, Ben Affleck? What has Barack Obama meant to your movie career, Ben?

I've got confidence that most people in America still have a decent sense of manners, propriety, morality.

I've been to the Vatican more than anyplace else outside this country in the world. I am mesmerized by it.

Regardless of your race, religion or political affiliation, never hesitate to question those in authority.

Troubled times do call for troubled songs, songs that unsettle our souls and our spirits unapologetically.

A number of U.S. colleges are going to start having dorms for alcoholics. I believe those are called dorms.

I don't drink anymore for Cinco de Mayo. I celebrate with Mexican food, or as it's known in Mexico: 'food.'

Doritos-flavored Mountain Dew is coming. You drink it, you get a combination of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

I'm worried about John Kerry, he's so confident now that he's already planning his White House sex scandal.

Political pundits are saying President George W. Bush has made gains in two key states: dazed and confused.

Labour day is a great American holiday that people celebrate by going out and buying products made in China

Say what you will about Leona Helmsley, when it comes to standing trial, she's twice the man Jim Bakker is.

Journalists are simply leftists disguised as reporters. They're political activists disguised as reporters.

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