I've always been the type that, every few months, I'm like, 'Let's change the haircut one more time.'

I love Africa, especially Botswana. I could see myself retiring to a little tree house there one day.

You always wonder when you get pregnant what projects and opportunities will come in or come knocking.

I hate when people say, 'Well, this is unfair for the underdog.' Well, the underdog should try harder.

I'll probably always have some black in my accessories, but it's also important to have a pop of color.

Be current. Know and comment on current trends and news. Don't be the last one entering a conversation.

I always wear what I'm comfortable in. If one designer doesn't like what I'm wearing, the next one will.

Fashion can be a very fickle lady, especially when it comes to models - fashion likes to turn on its own.

You can definitely notice a girl who has confidence versus one who's thinking, 'How are they judging me?'

I don't think it's fair for people to put fellow beings down just because they're only known for their looks.

Models are supposed to be a muse to you. Why is a muse always the same body type, the same look? It's boring.

I hate when people say models don't have personalities; what does that even mean? Everyone has a personality.

I'm kind of getting over the whole Manhattan life. I'm from Vancouver, and that means mountains and a lot of space.

I remember trying to work out like crazy to get rid of all of my womanly features because I thought they made me fat.

If I want a hamburger, I'm going to have one. No 21-year-old should be worrying about whether she fits a sample size.

I thank God every day. That's all I can do. That, and try to help all those other guys who are trying to do what I did.

Obviously from 12-years-old to 16-years-old, your body changes and that's nothing to be embarrassed about, but boy I was!

As a woman, sometimes we stress on always being of the moment, and that is a lot of pressure, especially for young girls.

I think balancing work and family takes constant adjustment. Its not something you can say you've accomplished and move on.

Usually, a model gets two to three seasons, or a year and a half, and that's it - you're done. For me, it will be 10 years.

I find it weird when [model] agents say, 'You're the only black girl booked for the show. Isn't it great?' Why is it great?

A little personal trick: apply brown eyeliner throughout the day and then just add a little black over the top for a night look.

I strongly believe every model has a right to set rules for how she is portrayed and for me these rules were clearly circumvented.

I think, as long as you're secure with yourself and happy with yourself, it really doesn't matter what the world around you thinks.

For me, anytime I see a mother truly loving her child, famous or not, it brings a smile to my face. I think most people would agree.

It's hard sometimes because people don't take a model seriously in any sense. Unless she's taking a photo, that's as good as she is.

There's not a woman in the world who hasn't felt self-conscious about something! We as women all experience it but we never talk about it.

Whenever I really get serious about something, I pull my hair back into a tight ponytail. If you see me with that, you know I mean business.

Everybody knows that, in general, a basketball player needs to be tall and a fashion model needs to be skinny, but how skinny is too skinny?

Girls need to know that we are all unique and that we should all celebrate our unique beauty because it comes in all different shapes and sizes.

To be honest, the thing is I don't really like clothes. I mean, it is cool, but I like tech. I am a tech girl. A secret nerd - there, I said it.

I go to castings and see several black and Asian girls, then I get to the show and look around there's just me and maybe one other coloured face.

Having worked with many of the world's top modeling agencies for the last decade, I've seen what works and doesn't work in managing a model's career.

I like an occasional glass of wine, though I don't drink before a shoot or a show - blotchy skin is not a good idea, however good your make-up artist.

It's especially important to make sure all clients are happy. You don't want to get stuck into a corner and for people to think you now only have one look.

People who rooted for me and were impactful in my career knew everything about me. They knew my goals, my likes, my dislikes, what I wanted out of my career.

I am hoping to be able to lend my support to a Sickle Cell charity in the near future, as I want to try and help raise money and awareness about this disease.

At the beginning of my career, I was nervous to talk. I was just a very young girl. You don't want to upset anyone or frustrate anyone - you just want to work.

We have to come into this industry so young, and you have to learn to take it as it is. I was scouted at 14, started modelling at 15, and lived in New York at 16.

Whatever you do, never do the duck face - that's the worst look for any girl out there. Some girls think that pushing out their lips looks fabulous, but it doesn't.

I love being around my family. I am very close to my mum, my brother, my grandmother, my aunts - we constantly poke fun at each other, but it's all done out of love.

I think it's important to wear clothing that means something to you, and so I always try to make sure I'm wearing at least one item that has a personal meaning to me.

When I started my first blog years ago, I just wanted to share my perspective. For a long time, models had been these mute pretty faces - and I wanted to have a voice.

My mom's half-Irish, and my dad's half-Irish. We don't know much about my mom's side, but my dad's mom came from Belfast and married my grandfather, who was from Wales.

Don't have just anyone run your social media. I think it's insane when brands or celebrities relegate their social media to an intern or someone who does not know them well.

If you think of any past artist, there was something that they looked at that inspired them to make their most famous pieces, whether it be the 'Mona Lisa' or 'Venus Rising.'

Oftentimes, my career as a model is based around glamour or creating a fantasy world. That in itself is not a bad thing, as I think art and inspiration has its place in society.

I don't have a favourite designer because I feel every designer offers something different and special, but I do really like Alexander Wang, Burberry, Stella McCartney and Balmain.

You can get a new phone or new trainers (sneakers) but you've only got one body so you have to look after it. I don't smoke, or drink a lot of alcohol, and I train almost every day.

As a model, we come in the room, and we are casted just on our looks. I think I'm funny; I think I'm clever. But in the end, they're picking me for my cheekbones or if I'm tall enough.

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