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I'm going to sit back, light up, and hope I don't chew the cigarette to pieces.
There are a number of teams that would become vastly improved with Drew Bledsoe.
If OJ Simpson did not have a handgun, Nicole and Ron would still be alive today.
Most people can't talk as fast as I do. I'm not proud of that. That's God-given.
God blessed me by putting me here for thirty-one years at Michigan and Trumbull.
I don't want to keep doing the same thing over and over for the rest of my life.
I have to live with what I say, or don't say, tens of thousands of times a game.
That is the way this game is -- you win, you lose, you celebrate and you suffer.
Champions don't become champions in the field---they are merely recognized there.
If you can get a spiritual connection without going to church, why go to church?.
Success doesn't happen overnight. Keep your eye on the prize and don't look back.
One of Tiger's trademarks in his prime was his ability to fight for every stroke.
I'm not an outdoorsman. I'd rather go see a movie. I don't want to hunt anything.
Admitting your weaknesses does not diminish your strengths: it shows your courage.
The bulldogs with the first points on the board. Tim Tebow looking to change that.
The greatest athletes in the world play in the NHL there is no question about that.
Guys do not have a genetic blueprint that allows them to understand or love sports.
When you think you're seeing something, what you need to find out is, 'Is that true?
I actually called a touchdown on national TV in the NFL while going to the bathroom.
Every time you see kid and hear kid, you think, man, I have to not sound like a kid.
I mean the home run king, to me, is Hank Aaron, but statistically, it's Barry Bonds.
It's a mere moment in a man's life between an All-Star game and an old-timer's game.
It's always good to have the building filled - even if it's with low-IQ Rangers fans.
Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.
The Miami Dolphins have to be taken seriously. Here's a team that seems to be jelling.
Players are spoiled by charter airplanes, the finest hotels, a big per diem every day.
I'm not an agate type ESPN Sports Center highlight, in-your-face kind of a sports fan.
I come from a city like St. Louis, where they consider themselves great baseball fans.
OK, I will never say anything degrading or bad about Tom Brady. He is a god in cleats.
The best thing about sports is the sense of community and shared emotion it can create.
I try to stay in shape just to handle things like the stress of a job or everyday life.
A tall, thin old man waving a scorecard from the corner of his dugout. That's baseball.
In my almost 92 years on this earth, the good Lord has blessed me with a great journey.
My father passed away due to Alzheimer's disease, and many things I do are nods to him.
Never bite off so much in your job that you can't spend a lot of time with your family.
Yankee pitchers have had great success this year against Cabrera when they get him out.
I don’t like to be alone, but I do cherish the moments that I’m alone with a good book.
I'm not a military general, a business guru, not a philosopher or author. It's only me.
I don't like to be alone, but I do cherish the moments that I'm alone with a good book.
It was the Buffalo Bills at the Minnesota Vikings on NBC. It went to about five markets.
Tim Tebow cannot dance, I know that. Tebow can do a lot of things, but he can not dance.
The Masters is the one tournament with a timeless quality, where legends are celebrated.
Broadcasting is a brutal, often unfair business, where looks are valued more than skill.
Everyday I am reminded that our life's journey is really about the people that touch us.
The charm about baseball is everyone has played it in some form. Everyone relates to it.
If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.
The game's the thing. That's why people tune in. They don't tune in to hear an announcer.
I think the biggest lesson I learned from my Dad was the importance of telling the truth.
The reason we call that pitch up and in is because the arms are attached to the shoulder.
When I went to Brooklyn in 1948 Jackie Robinson was at the height of his brilliant career.