There is a danger one has to really be knowing much more because you can't be too narrow on science.
God has strewn our paths with wonders and we certainly should not go through life with our eyes shut
Neither the Army nor the Navy is of any protection, or very little protection, against aerial raids.
Really great entrepreneurs have this very special mix of unstoppable optimism and scathing paranoia.
First of all it must be known who the God of heaven is, since upon that all the other things depend.
In parts of Montana, salt concentrations in soil water, have reached those double those of seawater.
In the case of abortion, one pits the life of the fetus against the interests of the pregnant woman.
Logic doesn't apply to the real world. D. R. Hofstadter and D. C. Dennett (eds.) The Mind's I, 1981.
If I die tomorrow or in a year, it is the same — it is the message you leave behind you that counts.
After centuries of dormancy, young women... can now look toward a future moulded by their own hands.
Modern science cannot explain why the laws of physics are exactly balanced for animal life to exist.