I'm the one who originally coined the term 'dwarf planet,' back in the nineteen-nineties.

Gaia spins on, silently contemplating what it means to be born into a sarcastic universe.

Alas, criticism has always been what human beings, especially leaders, most hate to hear.

A theory should not attempt to explain all the facts, because some of the facts are wrong

Anybody who believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old needs psychiatric help.

In the public realm, secularism should not concede a single inch to religious intrusions.

Maybe we ought to have a world in which things are divided between people kind of fairly.

The fluoride ion exerts its toxic effect by inhibiting the action of many enzyme systems.

If you have easy self-contentment, you might have a very, very cheap source of happiness.

There is a lot of hype and fear about this much-talked-about prospect of designer babies.

We'll show you that you can build a mind from many little parts, each mindless by itself.

Very clever people are often very clever at creating rationalisations for insane beliefs.

The covetous man pines in plenty, like Tantalus up to the chin in water, and yet thirsty.

Every country has the right to determine its own laws. And India can't afford monopolies.

Failures are cheap if you do them first. Failures are expensive if you do them at the end.

Anybody who comes to you and says he has a perfect language is either naive or a salesman.

The geysering on Enceladus is the most astonishing phenomenon we have in our solar system.

It's so hard to figure out what's going on in biological systems. You just can't see them.

In whatever form it takes, life sings because it has a song. The meaning is in the lyrics.

"Legacy code" often differs from its suggested alternative by actually working and scaling.

Life is not fair... Anyone who says it is, or even that it ought to be, is a fool or worse.

A mistake is an event, the full benefit of which has not yet been turned to your advantage.

[A Polaroid camera] places before you a thing that is more of the thing than the thing was.

There is nothing offensive about the word 'obese.' It is a descriptor of a person's weight.

Innovation has a lot to do with your ability to recognise surprising and unusual phenomena.

Human societies vary in lots of independent factors affecting their openness to innovation.

Rhino-mounted Bantu shock troops could have overthrown the Roman Empire. It never happened.

I was devastated by the loss of my job in March, although I can understand why it occurred.

Later, I went down to the Washington field office and an onsite polygraph was administered.

We keep, in science, getting a more and more sophisticated view of our essential ignorance.

I want it to be said when I leave this world that 'he was not just a money-making machine.'

Going to the Kuiper Belt is like an archaeological dig into the history of the solar system.

Pluto is as far across as Manhattan to Miami, but its atmosphere is bigger than the Earth's.

The cycling helmet can save your life, but it doesn't look good and tends to ruin your hair.

Beware of assumptions that seem "obvious" in one decade. They may become quaint in the next.

With gritty action and realistic science, Peter Watts brings to life a dark and vivid world.

Our society is changing so rapidly that none of us can know what it is or where it is going.

The best types of problems are those that seem harder at first than when you think about it.

The dangerous man is the one who has only one idea, because then he'll fight and die for it.

If poly A is added to poly U, to form a double or triple helix, the combination is inactive.

There is no gospel of atheism. Atheists don't pray at the altar of a Richard Dawkins poster.

I've got personal views on the '60s. You can't have freedom without paying the price for it.

There are three basic approaches to AI: Case-based, rule-based, and connectionist reasoning.

India has the most technically ambitious and innovative nuclear energy program in the world.

The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion.

Actually, that issue of 'Don't be evil' is probably the number one reason we throw out ideas.

Doing exercise without monitoring yourself will be rare in the future of wearable technology.

It's easy to win forgiveness for being wrong; being right is what gets you into real trouble.

In a few wretched buildings, we created a whole new industry with international significance.

The Ferrari is exactly the same in the human context as the peacock's tail is on the peacock.

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