Everyone has to face obstacles. Everybody has to face hurdles. It's what you do with those that determines how successful you're going to be.

CNN stands to make a hundred million dollars more than it's expected lift for the election cycle, due to the phenomenon that is Donald Trump.

The proportionality of what has happened to America because of unemployment and housing makes everything else look like a flea on a dog's ass.

Brexit suggests that there IS some level of non-vocal group who supports positions like those espoused by [Donald]Trump that polls are missing.

Life should be fun, and so should your clothes. It's not about sending a message. It's about feeling good about yourself and being who you are.

Time is something that cannot be bought; it cannot be wagered with God, and it is not in endless supply, Time is simply how you live your life.

I've already had two stem cell transplants. Very rarely does somebody have a third, so I have to maintain my strength so I can go through this.

Washington...has become an alien city-state that rules America, and much of the rest of the world, in the way that Rome ruled the Roman Empire.

Since the nineteen-fifties, rural Florida has marketed itself to Northerners and Midwesterners as an unexplored paradise of citrus and mermaids.

I always see the glass half full. I see the beauty in others, and I see the hope for tomorrow. If we don't have hope and faith, we have nothing.

If government were less important in our lives, politicians would have fewer goodies to trade. In return, we'd have more money and more freedom.

As the Nasdaq soared in 1999 and early 2000, demand for many offerings far exceeded the supply of shares available at the initial offering price.

Companies buy customers when they cannot win new business on their own. They merge when their executives do not have a better idea of what to do.

Fannie Mae has never publicly disclosed how much money it could lose if interest rates rose 1.5 percentage points in a very short period of time.

I don't think Donald Trump is going to lose by 15 points to Hillary Clinton or even 10. The country still feels too polarized for that to happen.

The conscious mind determines the actions, the unconscious mind determines the reactions; and the reactions are just as important as the actions.

The copycat effects of media violence, similar to those previously attributed to westerns, radio serials and comic books, are easy to exaggerate.

No one is moved to act, or resolves to speak a single word, who does not hope by means of this action or word to release anxiety from his spirit.

As a young boy, I had the usual hobbies - sports, baseball cards, model airplanes and trains. But I always had a distinct fascination with trains.

It's the opinion of some that crops could be grown on the moon; which raises the fear that it may not be long before we're paying somebody not to.

A patient had a 50-50 chance of benefiting from visiting a physician as of 1910. Medicine was more like voodoo than science until the 20th Century.

I do think that even if the average person doesn't care, it IS a big deal. Like, it's been a foundational principle of our democracy for 240 years.

There's a suspicion always about politicians. The suspicion level is really elevated and it just feels like people do not trust their institutions.

I became chairman of the inmates committee. Got into a lot of trouble. Was accused of fomenting a riot. Was accused of plotting to kill the warden.

Mr. Snowden did not start out as a spy, and calling him one bends the term past recognition. Spies don't give their secrets to journalists for free.

Corporate executives often buy or sell shares in their companies, and stocks rarely rise or fall significantly when those transactions are reported.

I think Twitter is becoming remarkably intolerant and heavily liberal. As in, anything that is perceived as being "pro Trump" is scolded and mocked.

The stock prices of networking equipment companies like Cisco Systems and Nortel Networks sometimes seem as if they are priced for perpetual success.

Home economics - kids in school used to be taught how to shop, how to cook from scratch, how to be in control of their diets. Doesn't happen anymore.

I think my demise has been prematurely reported. That's what I think. I think I'm going take this and make medical history, and I really believe that.

The BBC should not have a cheerleader. It should have somebody who runs the organisation in the interests of the public and that should be a chairman.

If your pride leads you to boast, you will be doubly guilty, because your intelligence will have shown that it is incapable of controlling your pride.

Also, most people read fiction as an escape - and I wonder whether my books aren't a bit too grounded in reality to reach the widest possible audience.

It has been an amazing presidential election in 2016. AMAZING. And I don't take it for granted. This sort of race comes along once every century or so.

To those out there who are suffering from cancer, facing adversity, I want you to know that your will to live can make all the difference in the world.

When doctors tell you that you have three weeks to live, you try to live a lifetime of moments in three weeks. But you say, 'To hell with three weeks.'

The BBC provides the commentary on our lives, the soundtrack of the nation. It is one of the most powerful unifying forces in the United Kingdom today.

Some companies use off-balance-sheet partnerships to raise money or to buy assets without ever telling their shareholders in their financial statements.

I won't ever got to a place that's racist, and I will tell everybody else not to and I'll speak against them. But it should be their right to be racist.

Absolutely, it's a Sunni area. So the key here, once Ramadi is taken that you have the Sunni tribal fighters, Sunni police in there patrolling the city.

Business cycles lengthened greatly during the 20th century, as central banks learned to manage national economies by raising and lowering interest rates.

The notion that employees and companies have a social contract with each other that goes beyond a paycheck has largely vanished in United States business.

On average, Australians watch more than three hours of television a day, compared with 12 minutes a day spent by the average couple talking to each other.

The Value-Added Tax, a sales tax that applies at every level of business transactions, is an easy tax for governments to collect, and a hard tax to evade.

For me, I focus on trying to get it right and be as fair as possible. There's not much else I can do. People will believe what they want - facts be damned.

Relative to the world's other advance democracies, Americans get off easy on tax day. Of the 35 richest countries, the U.S. ranks 32nd in total tax burden.

Lower interest rates are usually considered good for stocks because they lower the cost of borrowing and make bonds a less attractive alternative investment.

The American pledge not to negotiate with terrorists has been honored more in the breach than the observance from the moment President Ronald Reagan made it.

Tea Party Republicans, in an effort to kill the farm bill will stereotype and make racial comments about food stamps - which is a big element to the program.

It was an interesting question as to whether the BBC had a future in the digital world, and what form of market failure could justify the licence fee system.

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