If you look at where presidents come from, they're former governors or senators.

An autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about its writer except his memory.

You never realize what a good memory you have until you try to forget something.

People roll their eyes at the idea of Kanye West running for president. I do not.

Trains are all the ways you miss each other-wrong train, wrong tracks, wrong time.

Your capacity to say "No" determines your capacity to say "Yes" to greater things.

You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance.

Suppose you should fail. Is that so terrible? Not to have tried is a worse failure.

Whatever our creed, we stand with admiration before the sublime character of Jesus.

A road that perhaps more than any other leads to self atrophy is undedicated money.

A nail-pierced hand holds the sceptre of the universe, and my knees bend before him.

One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody's listening.

The British have a remarkable talent for keeping calm, even when there is no crisis.

The student is to collect and evaluate facts. The facts are locked up in the patient.

I know it's a cliche, but trust me on this. I once dated a Canadian. Canada = boring.

When anyone gives a promise, then such should be kept, and so under any circumstance.

When I was diagnosed with cancer, like so many other people, my life changed forever.

When man listens, God speaks; when man obeys, God acts; when man prays, God empowers.

Do all you have agreed to do, and do not encroach on other persons or their property.

[Paul] Ryan won kudos both within his membership and the party base for not giving in.

Standing up for what's right is a huge burden to bear. It's normal to have some doubt.

Today's young women don't really see inequities until they go out into the real world.

You know you're getting old when everything hurts. And what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

[Pope Francis] lashed out against what he called malevolent resistance to his reforms.

When the Church listens to the Holy Spirit, it becomes fruitful. New movements are born.

Spiritual power comes out of inward fellowship with God and abandonment to his purposes.

I have only to be true to the highest I know - success or failure is in the hand of God.

In Jewish tradition, death-defying devotion to scholarship was the stuff of saintliness.

It’s not about electing the right people. It’s about a narrowing their responsibilities.

President-elect [Donald] Trump has promised a safe zone, a humanitarian zone [in Syria].

What you should want from life is an arena big enough to express your talents and gifts.

I admit, I was fascinated by Adolf Hitler. He was a pleasant boss and a fatherly friend.

Volatility may be rising simply because investors must digest more information every day.

Sometimes, when we are sad, we have to do the opposite of sad. Sometimes we have to sing.

It's a strange world of language in which skating on thin ice can get you into hot water.

Donald Trump doesn't like to debate and knows in his heart of hearts he isn't great at it.

We find, sooner or later, that in prayer we either abandon ourselves or we abandon prayer.

Anyone who rises above the things of this world, to which you kneel, is mightier than you.

David Boaz has been my guide to the history, economics, and politics of freedom for years.

Freedom works, and government, when it grows beyond the barest minimum, keeps people poor.

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are, and have been, totally known. Also, broadly disliked.

The way you think influences the way you feel, and the way you feel determines how you act.

We must be willing to be guided of God, not merely now and then, but as a life proposition.

Anybody who finds it easy to make money on the horses is probably in the dog food business.

Journalists cover words and delude themselves into thinking they have committed journalism.

Knowledge no longer exists if one has ignored the attributes of the Almighty Great Creator.

Publicly traded United States companies report sales and profits to investors every quarter.

When we talk about what we believe we divide. When we talk about who we believe in we unite.

Where sin has abounded in me, Grace now much more abounds in me. I live by that 'much more.'

The happiest stutterers, I learned, are those who are willing to stutter in front of others.

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