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Politicos talk a big game about bringing jobs to devastated cities like Detroit, but rarely succeed.
I'm upset. There was nothing like putting on the red shirt. (on retiring from international football)
Loving people does not require you to stay silent when you see something that merits being called out.
Life is a series of chapters, and one leads to another to another to another, and God knows what it is.
Congress continues to pass laws to limit lobbyists' influence, but people find ways to get around them.
I've been involved in five presidential campaigns, once as national campaign manager for Walter Mondale.
Bernie is a problem Hillary can't figure out how to solve, perhaps because he's not the problem. She is.
Many good journalists have attempted to confront Trump about his many lies and failures, and have failed.
We've come a long way from the days of Jim Crow, and yes, we elected a black president, but racism lives.
Mitt Romney had a fundraiser in Israel with a bunch of diamond merchants, we don't know the names of them.
Asking politicians to vote themselves out of power is like asking rabbits not to multiply, it ain't natural.
I do oppose repealing Obamacare, because it's working for growing numbers of previously uninsured Americans.
The decision in McCutcheon v. FEC is a devastating blow in efforts to rein in out-of-control costs of campaigns.
Military action is, of course, sometimes necessary to maintain peace. Kosovo and World War II are good examples.
Women are often forced to maintain good relations with men who abuse them precisely because those men have power.
Congress votes for things the military doesn't want, and planes and other weaponry that cost a lot but don't work.
Republicans just don't get that their idea of scandal is not what the average American thinks is a serious scandal.
I've been harassed or on the receiving end of sexist and inappropriate behavior almost every place I've ever worked.
All of which raises another question: If Obamacare is so great, why do so many people want to get out from under it?
I can talk to more persuadable voters in a week on 'The Five' than I could at CNN in a year, so it's worked out fine.
Our first priority should be to protect the homeland. If we don't, a future generation might ask, 'Who lost America?'
There's more chance of me flying Concorde to the moon blindfolded than there is of you taking Wales to the World Cup.
The media role in highlighting racial incidents only serves to exacerbate tension. We rarely write about racial harmony.
As a survivor, you learn how to talk fast, cut deals, lie when you have to - perfect training to be a politician, you know?
White women are themselves oppressed and that they would therefore be able to align themselves with other oppressed people.
I had a lot of ideas about conservatives and then I got to Fox and just, I was like, 'Oh, they're not all evil and stupid.'
In their ideological zeal, the feminists of the illiberal left don't seem to realize how they've given feminism a bad name.
I am not opposed to government efforts to stop terrorist plots. We are still seared by the memory of 9/11, and we should be.
Strangely, while illiberal feminists treat conservative women as men in drag, men who identify as women are treated as women.
From my early 20s on, I would waver between atheism and agnosticism, never coming close to considering that God could be real.
It is a lot harder to write a good book or a good column in a persuasive way without making fun of someone or ridiculing them.
If they had been fit, Kieran Gibbs and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain would also have made a difference down the left against United.
I strongly favor shortening the campaign season and putting more primaries and caucuses on the same day, preferably regionally.
I came from a dysfunctional family - very dysfunctional. And my father used to find great humor in throwing me down the stairs.
If politicians of both parties would spend more time legislating and less time attacking each other, we would all be better off.
Hypocrisy, something Jesus railed against, has become perhaps the most prominent feature of the religious right in the Trump era.
When I came to faith, I was on pro-choice boards, and I dropped off of those because you couldn't read the Bible and be pro-choice.
Trump is part of the reason you are suffering. Trump is the one playing on the not-so-level playing field where he wins and you lose.
I derided Christians as anti-intellectual bigots who were too weak to face the reality that there is no rhyme or reason to the world.
Within the paradigm of Democratic politics, even though people probably think I'm a centrist, I'm more a liberal, except for abortion.
While many liberals have dismissed the idea of political correctness as a right-wing manufactured hysteria, it is in fact a real thing.
I understand why foreign government contributions to the Clinton Foundation could raise ethical issues should Hillary run for president.
If I had a dollar for every time somebody said, 'I don't understand: how can you be a Democrat and be a Christian?' I'd be a millionaire.
Women cannot be equal participants in a society that views sexual assault and sexual harassment the way Donald Trump and his defenders do.
Some credit is due to Trump for seizing the anti establishment mood of the country, but most of his success can be attributed to pure luck.
Most voters assume because these political 'pros' are on TV or write for national papers, they know politics. Sadly, most don't have a clue.
It's time to review what damage the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission has done to our political system.
In our pugilistic take-no-prisoners era, preaching grace toward those on the other side of the political fence is decidedly countercultural.
If pluralism and academic freedom are to be used to defend liberal speakers and ideas, they ought to be equally valid for conservative views.
Carmakers do not lobby to remove safety regulations on their vehicles, but the NRA constantly lobbies to keep restrictions off deadly weapons.