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It is simply unthinkable that we will ever again send overseas a great expeditionary force of armed men.
For more than eight decades, Washington has been my hometown. My whole orientation is toward this place.
Black men of Carthage, Ethiopia, of Timbuktu and Alexandria gave the likes of civilization to this world
Always remember that dreams-your creative visualizations-must come before their physical manifestations.
I'd heard he was good, and what the hell sense does it make not to hire somebody because of their color?
All work and no play may make Jim a dull boy, but no work and all play makes Jim all kinds of a jackass.
I am not a prisoner of my sexuality like men younger than myself although I write about being a prisoner.
If you don't like being attacked for your point of view, you shouldn't be in politics in the first place.
Life is bittersweet. Inside our heads, if we're lucky, we're the same kids as we were when we were young.
The women's movement kind of came out of left field in the 1960s and 1970s when they turned on 'Playboy.'
I really think one of the most extraordinary things in the world is the amount of noise a child can make.
Privacy is not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution as freedom of speech is in the First Amendment.
Let us not try to be the best or worst of others, but let us make the effort to be the best of ourselves.
Mrs. Palin has neither pushed for creationism in Alaska schools nor moved to ban a single book in Wasilla.
One of the greatest threats facing book publishing, and the entire country for that matter, is censorship.
Those who enjoy responsibility usually get it; those who merely like exercising authority usually lose it.
Looking the part helps get the chance to fill it. But if you fill the part, it matters not if you look it.
I thought Nixon was getting ganged up on, but when I heard the tapes, I was shocked and terribly saddened.
Journalism - a profession whose business it is to explain to others what it personally does not understand.
When the people fear a government, they're a tyranny. When a government fears the people, there is liberty.
The seasons of life are not meant to be frenetic, just full. Blessed is the woman who knows her own limits.
For me working on the marriage and not making the easy choice of cheating was something that I could not do.
The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations.
If we as a people realized the greatness from which we came we would be less likely to disrespect ourselves.
Today you may not be familiar with the happiness habit. But like any new behavior, happiness can be learned.
Consider the track record of your naysayers. How many dreams have they successfully brought into this world?
You'll have many gay people on your side who just because they're gay, doesn't mean they're for gay marriage.
You really have to do something Bruce Banner-like to me to cause me to go into my righteous indignation mode.
We really don’t get all the government we pay for, and thank goodness. Lord protect us on the day that we do.
The only way I can describe the extent of my anxiety is to say that I felt as if I were pregnant with a rock.
In America we need members of the Latino community to come to the Tea Party movement and enrich the Tea Party.
I'm not up for changing the 10th amendment or the 14th amendment, the first amendment or the second amendment.
If ever there were a candidate destined to shine on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show,' Sarah Palin would be that woman.
I know no national boundary where the Negro is concerned. The whole world is my province until Africa is free.
Marcus Garvey does not give a snap for anything human but justice, and that which is based upon righteousness.
The Westwood Cemetery is just a few blocks from my home, and a number of my very dear friends are buried there.
Being offended is a choice. I believe that. You don't have - you don't hear a word and you have to be offended.
When looking back, usually I'm more sorry for the things I didn't do than for the things I shouldn't have done.
The man who is not able to develop and use his mind is bound to be the slave of the other man who uses his mind
Any self-prompt that reminds you to focus on flow not ebb, contributes to your greater sense of abundance. (53)
I didn't want to be greedy. It's a mark of bad character and I always believed that pigs go the slaughterhouse.
Even though marriage is doomed, if you turned it into a job you like and really work at it - it can be salvaged.
My ability to be emotive and cry... I think I'm so fearful of tapping that that I won't know how to turn it off.
For me, the magazine was always the heart of what my life was all about, and the other half was living the life.
To live without that enchantment of beauty is to interpret frugality and simple living with a puritan literalism
If you will give the matter a moment's thought, you'll see that memory is the highest faculty of the human mind.
Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves. We must learn to respect them. We must learn to listen.
Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.
Unless young blacks are brought into the mainstream of economic life, they will continue to be on the curbstone.
If future generations ask us what we are fighting for [in World War Two], we shall tell them the story of Lidice.