I think self-discipline is something, it's like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.

One of the major biases in risky decision making is optimism. Optimism is a source of high-risk thinking.

My father was a pedant and a bully who cared about nobody, and I was not to see him until I was eighteen.

It wouldn't have mattered to my mother if I married a black, was gay, lived in a commune or wore a dress.

Intelligence is the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one's own culture.

The ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings.

Whether or not I like a piece of data has very little bearing on whether or not I am likely to accept it.

I've enjoyed the pleasures of working since I was 12 and earned all my own spending money since I was 14.

The is a secret for greater self-control, the science points to one thing: the power of paying attention.

Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves.

If you feel driven to feed the poor, get your checkbook out and keep your tyrannical mouth shut about it.

Wise elders will likely be those individuals who stay both mentally and physically vital throughout life.

Just as the good life is something beyond the pleasant life, the meaningful life is beyond the good life.

Flow occurs in your life when your highest skills are matched to challenges that quite exactly meet them.

I want to write. I have always wanted to write. I do not care it I am not good at it. I just want to try.

Being "brave" means doing or facing something frightening. ... Being "fearless" means being without fear.

It was God who created hell as a place to store evil. He didn't do a good job of keeping it there though.

We're worse off than Freud thought, because many actions proceed without our knowing anything about them.

There is no authentic inner freedom that does not, sooner or later, also affect and change human history.

Poets may be delightful creatures in the meadow or the garret, but they are menaces on the assembly line.

I'm very interested in language because it reflects our obsessions and ways of conceptualising the world.

We don't have to wait until we are old to gather the riches... We can gather them every day of our lives.

The two wings of mindfulness and kindness will begin to open the heart to more connection with our world.

Sometimes the easiest way to appreciate ourselves is by looking through the eyes of someone who loves us.

My advice to myself and to everyone else, particularly young people, is to turn on, tune in and drop out.

I've left specific instructions that I do not want to be brought back during a Republican administration.

Melancholy is not one of my emotions. Quite seriously, I don't do melancholy. It's a miserable way to be.

Besides the practical knowledge which defeat offers, there are important personality profits to be taken.

Human beings seem to be far more autonomous and self-governed than modern psychological theory allows for.

The one fact that I would cry form every housetop is this: the Good Life is waiting for us - here and now.

If you insist that individual rights are the summum bonum, then the whole structure of society falls down.

You cannot have sex education without saying that sex is natural and that most people find it pleasurable.

People have little idea, by and large, of the investment world. They are convinced they have an advantage.

It's very easy for trusted companies to mislead naive customers, and life insurance companies are trusted.

When you look at the books about well-being, you see one word - it's happiness. People do not distinguish.

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that man may become robots.

There is undoubtedly a difference between people who manipulate other people and people who create things.

The destruction of the world is the last, almost desperate attempt to save myself from being crushed by it

The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.

Optimism is denial for chumps with no life experience". "What's pessimism?" I said. "Religion without God.

I happen to be a big fan of Western civilization; I think it beats the hell out of tyranny and starvation.

A possible link between 'madness' and genius is one of the oldest and most persistent of cultural notions.

Especially in times of collective neurosis, the existence of . . . mature people is of crucial importance.

I was reading Plato's 'The Republic' at age 18, and I can't account fully the electricity that had for me.

If you give people literacy, bad ideas can be attacked and experiments tried, and lessons will accumulate.

We often feel that a clever aphorism captures a truth that would require pages to defend in any other way.

Commitment creates a powerful radiant energy that activates all sorts of "miracles" within and around you.

Given appropriate social conditions, decent, ordinary people can be led to do extraordinarily cruel things.

When people change their irrational beliefs to undogmatic flexible preferences, they become less disturbed.

Old age is rather like another country. You will enjoy it more if you have prepared yourself before you go.

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