It's very hard to know what wisdom is.

It is by metaphor that language grows.

People should follow their own energy.

The goal of all life is to have a ball.

Science is a form of arrogance control.

Humor is a great way to relieve stress.

Laziness is built deep into our nature.

Do not mistake a child for his symptom.

I don't have answers. I have questions.

We're only as needy as our unmet needs.

Become aware of your own insufficiency.

Opposites attract - and then aggravate.

If you change nothing, nothing changes.

There is such a thing as bad publicity.

Acceptance is the only way out of hell.

Nothing is as invisible as the obvious.

Our greatest longing is to be intimate.

Give death a better name or die trying.

I declare that The Beatles are mutants.

The environment shapes people's actions.

Man always dies before he is fully born.

Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.

Life is too short so we must generalize.

By seeing differently, we do differently

Lives devoted to Beauty seldom end well.

Creativity is a yearning for immortality

Intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac

People are not evil; they are schlemiels.

What you are to be, you are now becoming.

Neurons that fire together wire together.

Man is the only animal that can be bored.

Awe is the emotion of self-transcendence.

Don't be dependent. At all. Ever. Period.

Avoid 'shoulding' on others and yourself!

We crave and fear becoming truly ourselves

I am glad that I do not have any children.

Hate is a product of the unfulfilled life.

Rigor is not a substitute for imagination.

Obviously, I'm no fan of the radical left.

Intellectual understanding blocks empathy.

Ask before offering advice or reassurance.

People also smile when they are miserable.

This is hard for parents to say genuinely.

Think for yourself and question authority.

Behavior is determined by its consequences.

If you don't have a goal, any road will do.

Being an only child is a disease in itself.

The rider evolved to serve to the elephant.

The greatest happiness is family happiness.

Memory is the medium of the must-have-been.

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