The only happy people I know are the ones who are working well at something they consider important.
Most of the images of reality on which we base our actions are really based on vicarious experience.
Measures of self-precept must be tailored to the domain of psychological functioning being explored.
Convince yourself that worrying about many situations will make them worse rather than improve them.
Something doing every minute' may be a gesture of despair-or the height of a battle against boredom.
The very essence of the creative is its novelty, and hence we have no standard by which to judge it.
In essence, the optimistic style involves taking credit for successes but little blame for failures.
An individual who expresses high confidence probably has a good story, which may or may not be true.
A little boy was asked how he learned to skate. 'By getting up every time I fell down,' he answered.
To love somebody is not just a strong feeling - it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise.
The paradoxical and tragic situation of man is that his conscience is weakest when he needs it most.
In the 19th century inhumanity meant cruelty; in the 20th century it means schizoid self-alienation.
The most important things we talk about on Sundays are things to which we pay very little attention.
In the sleeping state, instead, one is much more oneself, even if society never ceases to intervene.
I have been married twice, but both of my wives have been too bright to be sucked in by women's lib.
Feeling gratitude isn't born in us-it's something we are taught, and in turn, we teach our children.
The only way we can ever teach a child to say "I'm sorry" is for him to hear it from our lips first.
If the extrovert watches and listens a bit more, the introvert's true mood will become more evident.
We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.
Anger tells us we've disconnected from life. The purpose in anger is to use it to come back to life.
You can quickly go from having passion and love to passion and hate when an act of betrayal happens.
Many people suffer from the fear of finding oneself alone, and so they don't find themselves at all.
The creative act arises out of the struggle of human beings with and against that which limits them.
Purpose in the human being is a much more complex phenomenon than what used to be called will power.
Meditation helps us to get out of our thoughts about the future and really be in the present moment.
The immature man wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mature man wants to live humanely for one