Sacredness binds people together, and then blinds them to the arbitrariness of the practice.

Legalizing homosexuality is not the first step on a slippery slope to legalizing everything.

The science of psychotherapy is knowing what to say, the art is knowing when to say it. (36)

Whatever a man thinks about sex, you can be sure that he thinks about sex almost constantly.

No one is moral among the god-controlled puppets of the _Iliad_. Good and evil do not exist.

We are never angry because of what others say or do. It is our thinking that makes us angry.

People heal from their pain when they have an authentic connection with another human being.

NVC requires us to be continually conscious of the beauty within ourselves and other people.

Most intellectuals today have a phobia of any explanation of the mind that invokes genetics.

Awakening self-compassion is often the greatest challenge people face on the spiritual path.

To describe externals, you become a scientist. To describe experience, you become an artist.

In reality, we are still children. We want to find a playmate for our thoughts and feelings.

Self-belief does not necessarily ensure success, but self-disbelief assuredly spawns failure.

People got insights into what was bothering them, but they hardly did a damn thing to change.

The moral development of a civilization is measured by the breadth of its sense of community.

We are imprisoned in the realm of life, like a sailor on his tiny boat, on an infinite ocean.

Create around one at least a small circle where matters are arranged as one wants them to be.

Was putting a man on the moon actually easier than improving education in our public schools?

True intuitive expertise is learned from prolonged experience with good feedback on mistakes.

Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar, and you'll live as you've never lived before.

You've got to learn to accept the law of life, and face the fact that we disintegrate slowly.

Prejudgments become prejudices only if they are not reversible when exposed to new knowledge.

Whoever reflects recognizes that there are empty and lonely spaces between one’s experiences.

Trust your hunches. They're usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.

Love, like life, is much stranger and far more complicated than one is brought up to believe.

A word devoid of thought is a dead thing, and a thought unembodied in words remains a shadow.

I learned that healing and cure are active processes in which I myself needed to participate.

Unfortunately, creative people are at their most creative when writing their autobiographies.

Today we take it for granted that war happens in smaller, poorer and more backward countries.

I like ice hockey. No one is ever going to ask me to write about that as a metaphor for life.

I teach classes 28 weeks of the year, but the rest of the time I do research and write books.

One cannot evolve from one's robothood until one realizes how totally one has been robotized.

Perceived self-efficacy and beliefs about the locus of outcome causality must be distinguished

The child intuitively comprehends that although these stories are unreal, they are not untrue.

A person cannot teach another person directly; a person can only facilitate another's learning

People who face a difficult question often answer an easier one instead, without realizing it.

My impression is that the elimination of memories greatly reduces the value of the experience.

Psychology is the science of the intellects, characters and behavior of animals including man.

To die is poignantly bitter, but the idea of having to die without having lived is unbearable.

In fact, there are very important writings of Marx which are not even translated into English.

Normal children often pass through stages of passionate cruelty, laziness, lying and thievery.

Many people secretly think that gays are a lot happier than they are, and want to punish them.

Parents often talk about the younger generation as if they didn't have anything to do with it.

Behind the mask of indifference is bottomless misery and behind apparent callousness, despair.

Congress is full of good, decent, smart people who have devoted their lives to public service.

Whether the gods are inside or outside makes very little difference to whether there are gods.

When your mind is preoccupied, your impulses—not your long-term goals—will guide your choices.

All moralistic judgments, whether positive or negative, are tragic expressions of unmet needs.

Anger can be a wonderful wake up call to help you understand what you need and what you value.

Our goal is to create a quality of empathic connection that allows everyone's needs to be met.

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