I swear by lash extensions. They cut my makeup routine time in half.

I like to wear layers - pants, tank tops, jackets - when I work out.

I feel sexy when I'm taking care of myself and not depriving myself.

I'm putting healthy foods into my body and experiencing the benefits.

It's important to me to have a healthy tan with so much skin showing.

I can't do most things, if I'm honest, but cooking I definitely can't do.

I think it's important to be happy before you can make anybody else happy.

Well, what I love about '80s rock music is the amazing, fantastic melodies.

I'd get invited to parties, and instead it would be these abandoned houses.

I figured out if I have a good goal in mind, then I can actually achieve it.

I created 'Disco Abs' so you could have as much fun getting in shape as I do.

It sounds crazy, but I'm so married to my work that I rarely meet new people.

I think being sublimely happy is the only thing I could ever hope for in life.

When you have a buddy to work out with, you don't want to flake on that person.

Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.

I just saw the movie 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' and fell in love with that city.

It's the oddest match: Mary J. Blige and Julianne Hough! But we became so close.

Life is precious and relationships are precious. I'm a great believer in family.

If you don't have time, just run on a treadmill. It makes you want to eat better.

Acting is like free therapy! Trying to make people laugh or cry can be inspiring.

I've got a great life. It's a shame the work gets in the way of the golf, really.

I try to keep myself in the best of company and my horses in the worst of company.

I'm just the biggest klutz. That's the problem. I don't get hurt doing cool things.

My first dance ever on 'Dancing With the Stars' was to 'Let's Hear it for the Boy.'

When you obsess about fitness goals they become unhealthy and impossible to achieve.

After doing 'Dance Moms,' I've been super inspired and motivated to work with girls.

For me, I like to push myself... I hate feeling complacent or that I'm not learning.

One of my mantras is if I'm scared to do something, that means that I have to do it.

Just being known for a skill you've worked on your entire life is an amazing feeling.

It's really hard for me to beat around the bush or lie, so sometimes the truth hurts.

I think at the end of the day you have to find a balance with what's really important.

For me, a dream partner is someone who is willing to learn and to put their trust in me.

I always love being able to dance with athletes because they just know how to be coached.

I've experienced a lot for someone my age that a lot of people will be able to relate to.

My weight fluctuates, just like any other person's does, and there will always be critics.

I've been so unlucky with dates for myself. So why not have someone else pick them for me?

I'm a huge fan of just keeping a healthy lifestyle. For your body but for your mind, also.

We will all face criticism throughout our lives, no matter where we live and what we weigh.

I am not one of those girls who can just land in a split. I need to warm up to be flexible.

But trust me, if I lived in the '80s, I would definitely be the one going to the record stores.

I am a little bit of a softie, yes. Actually I don't think it's softness, I think it's kindness.

Jazzercise classes are a fun way for me to stay fit and dance - and it doesn't require a partner.

The truth is, I've been lucky. But just like the waltz, life has its own rhythm of rise and fall.

I'd like to maybe be a judge. I could be pregnant and judge. I just can't be pregnant and dancing!

Because I have been bullied and attacked about my body, body image has always been an issue for me.

I've grown up with country music. I love how real everybody is, not just the artists, but the fans.

Even if you're a guy and you don't believe in dancing, you should try dance cardio. It's really fun!

It's important for me to keep my cardio up, especially for my body type, or I'll gain weight so fast.

If I'm dancing, or teaching, or having a family I would want to live life to the fullest as possible.

Obviously you can't please everyone. I'm sure some people say, 'Bloody old Len Goodman gets on my nerves.

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