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If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary.
What makes America great is peaceful protests and exercising your constitutional rights.
If you know Hillary Clinton, you know this is a woman who has never shied away from a fight.
This is such music to my ears. James Carville advocating a tax cut to stimulate the economy.
A man can - and should - spend hours trying on jeans and finding the cut for your body type.
The reason I'm a Nixonite is because of his indestructibility and resilience. He never quit.
When I walk down the boardwalk,people stop me and say, 'Oh, your house is the one that glows.
Traditionally, Young Republicans have been a leading indicator of the direction of the party.
When I walk down the boardwalk, people stop me and say, 'Oh, your house is the one that glows.'
Of course ankle length socks are cheaper, but they don't cover the lower leg as hosiery should.
[Donald Trump] is going to start with the regulatory ones, because he wants to grow the economy.
Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush
An ascot is never a substitute for a well-tied four-in-hand tie or a slightly disheveled bow tie.
Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush.
No, no, no. Dick Cheney forbade me to waste time on his image. I would have liked to have done more.
Of course a lot of the journalists hated Nixon, but they were always blown away by how smart he was.
Few remember that Trump was among the first in the country to recognize the danger of radical Islam.
Stone's Rules exist because sometimes the truth is too painful, and the lies will land you in prison.
The longer khakis are owned and the more they are washed, the softer and more comfortable they become.
When wearing a trench coat, you're allowed to act like Humphrey Bogart when he was detective Sam Spade.
My brother got a .22 for his 12th birthday; I got a .22. He got a hunting knife; I got a hunting knife.
Donald Trump in a church getting interrupted by the pastor because he started attacking Hillary Clinton.
Every well-dressed gentleman must have an all-cotton oxford cloth button-down shirt from Brooks Brothers.
Television is such a staple of modern society that for most voters, it's not real unless it's on the tube.
Anthony Weiner is a crafty and worthy adversary - an unrepentant lefty who is usually a savvy media player.
In the 1930s, anyone of any sophisticated status owned a cocktail shaker. Distinctive ones are easy to find.
In 2000, Trump could have won the Reform Party nomination. I chaired his presidential exploratory committee.
Never, never, never should the pocket square be of the same pattern as your ties. You are not 'Reverend Ike.'
In the rough and tumble world of business, media, or politics, the black knitted tie is indeed indispensable.
There's nothing harder than going on TV and saying something that you don't believe. I don't do that anymore.
The first thing [Donald Trump] is going to do is roll back the fiat executive orders that were unconstitutional.
There is nothing - nothing - worse than seeing ankle or a hairy calf when a man in a suit or trousers sits down.
Right now, if there's a gender gap problem, it's not Ronald Reagan with women; it's with Walter Mondale with men.
The rednecks. Well, you're not going to get there with climate change and [Vladimir] Putin and all the rest of it.
A politicians willingness to listen to good advice rises in inverse proportion to how badly he thinks he is doing.
Mitt Romney saying that Barack Obama gets an F is one of the most ridiculous things that he has said in this race.
I think that Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, all those states actually look pretty good for Hillary Clinton.
Americans are about to discover Governor Gary Johnson and his Freedom Agenda. They are going to like what they find.
Having control over your schedule is the only way that women who want to have a career and a family can make it work.
If Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan get elected to the White House, Medicare will be bankrupt by the end of their first term.
You'll never regret writing any letter out of love. However, it's a good idea to reread anything you've written in anger.
Anyone who listens to the Nixon White House would recognize that Nixon, who was in the Navy, was no stranger to profanity.
I have been a practitioner of tough politics for many decades. There is little that amazes me and even less that shocks me.
A Brooks Brothers button-down with an unfastened collar, rolled-up sleeves, and jeans makes for a comfortable, casual look.
Obviously a candidate has to be held responsible for the words that come out of his mouth, regardless of where they came from.
If I was a guy I wouldn't be bossy, I would be strong. If I was a guy I wouldn't be a micro-manager, I would be across the detail.
Your cocktail shaker can be smooth chrome or hammered aluminum. It must both conduct cold and look sophisticated at the same time.
I'm a total Republican, but I've never claimed to be a Christian-right conservative. They're a large but dwindling part of the Party.
Every man's closet must contain a trench coat. It's hard for any gentleman not to look dashing when clad in this swashbuckling style.
[Donald Trump] has had the good judgment and common sense to get back with all these people, who have written the legislation already.