We have to render Islamist extremism as unattractive as communism has become today.

For my own part, once I became a teenager, I experienced severe and violent racism.

It is essential to resist the depiction of history as the work of heroic individuals

Small towns make up for their lack of people by having everyone be more interesting.

The neighbors were more than neighbors [on Cuba]. They were like part of the family.

There is nothing more dangerous than a government of the many controlled by the few.

I come from an immigrant family, but I know no other nationality apart from British.

Laws should be made to serve the people. People should not be made to serve the laws.

The University of Westminster is well known for being a hotbed of extremist activity.

Legislation needs a better reason than that lawyers like it, and that America does it.

Having our fundamental assumptions about life challenged is never a comfortable thing.

Quilliam will remain a priority for me because its values shape my beliefs and outlook.

Black Power is giving power to people who have not had power to determine their destiny.

Creativity is enhanced by less-than-perfect control over what content is on the network.

You can't criticize people for wanting to have a decent life or wanting to live decently.

A culture without property, or in which creators can't get paid, is anarchy, not freedom.

All of the great Disney works took works that were in the public domain and remixed them.

You cannot enslave a mind that knows itself. That values itself. That understands itself.

"Writing" is the Latin of our times. The modern language of the people is video and sound.

We live in a society of an imposed forgetfulness, a society that depends on public amnesia.

I think in black communities today we need to encourage a lot more cross racial organizing.

Traditionally, open-minded secular liberal rationalists have not made a case for tolerance.

Progressive art can assist people to learn what's at work in the society in which they live.

Imprisonment has become the response of first resort to far too many of our social problems.

Let us choose life and love, and happily use our selves up in loving service to one another.

There are two kinds of politics in the world: the politics of love and the politics of fear.

What separates an ordinary woman from an extraordinary one? The belief that she is ordinary.

The living conditions of the poor must be improved if we really want to save our environment

I am working to make sure we don't only protect the environment, we also improve governance.

I'm no longer accepting the things I cannot change...I'm changing the things I cannot accept.

Chance explorations on search engines do not 'accidentally' lead users to extremist websites.

All my friends were non-Muslims. I actually knew very little about Islam - like, very little.

No matter who or where we are, or what our capabilities, we are called to do the best we can.

Sometimes we become bound by other people's thoughts because we are not sure about ourselves.

Nobody in the world is completely dependent on another person, but we are all interdependent.

Every time a person sacrifices himself for a larger injustice, it aids in the cycle of change.

We have two evils to fight, capitalism and racism. We must destroy both racism and capitalism.

[Congress] and their cronies secure more than one hundred billion dollars in corporate welfare

Together we have given the world the possibility of one day living on a truly mine-free planet.

Technology means you can now do amazing things easily; but you couldn't easily do them legally.

Law and technology produce, together, a kind of regulation of creativity we've not seen before.

In an open society, no idea can be above scrutiny, just as no people should be beneath dignity.

My arrest in Egypt happened in 2002, and I was convicted to five years as a political prisoner.

Women are responsible for their children, they cannot sit back, waste time and see them starve.

It is important to nurture any new ideas and initiatives which can make a difference for Africa.

Our purpose is to end war and bring resources back to the life-sustaining needs of our community.

Hizb ut-Tahrir spearheaded the radicalization of the 1990s and cultivated an atmosphere of anger.

The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution.

I have a hard time accepting diversity as a synonym for justice. Diversity is a corporate strategy.

I read Plato's 'Republic.' I read it through about five times until I could actually understand it.

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