I always made an awkward bow.

Give us grace to listen well.

In naked beauty most adorned.

But who guards the guardians?

An entomologist is not a bug.

Rob a neighbour with a smile.

Curiosity is its own suicide.

What we want is never simple.

A bachelor is only half a man

I grew up amongst biologists.

Be cheerful, if you are wise.

To love is to stop comparing.

I want to promote positivity.

My lifetime listens to yours.

Loneliness feels like prison.

Our bodies are molded rivers.

Death is the mother of forms.

Celery, raw, Develops the jaw

Habits change into character.

Love is a believing creature.

Art lies by its own artifice.

God himself favors the brave.

The soul's joy lies in doing.

Poet's food is love and fame.

Doubt is the shadow of truth.

They say eyes clear with age.

Love's tongue is in the eyes.

By all means break the rules.

Truth never hurts the teller.

Nature's first green is gold.

Women are a colonized people.

Cats sleep fat and walk thin.

Revile those who flatter you.

Swim out of your little pond.

Criticism polishes my mirror.

Joy lives concealed in grief.

He who tastes not, knows not.

Remorse weeps tears of blood.

A rogue is a roundabout fool.

Sublimity is Hebrew by birth.

Take love when love is given.

G'bye, I'm going out to play!

Writing is a lonely business.

Sometimes I just know things.

Do I believe? God only knows.

Lying is a thriving Vocation.

Every woman adores a Fascist.

You are who you choose to be.

Rich with the spoils of time.

Thought is made in the mouth.

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