Foul whisp'rings are abroad.

The Eagle, he was lord above

To be young was very heaven!

To justify God's ways to man.

Life is an incurable disease.

Wine is a peep-hole on a man.

The great fish eat the small.

Trees are your best antiques.

Time stoops to no man's lure.

Love is more cruel than lust.

His speech is a burning fire.

Sanity - a trick of agreement

Scientist alone is true poet.

Only the poor can create art.

Music, the mosaic of the air.

Tell me what's the difference

I happy am, if well with you.

Psychiatry is a dirty mirror.

Blue eyes wash off sometimes.

Death is what makes life fun.

Set a thief to catch a thief.

Love is desire for knowledge.

I lie as truthfully as I can.

Books fall open, you fall in.

The world is God’s salvation.

Trapped like a trap in a trap

And where does she find them?

Hands have not tears to flow.

Spring is like a perhaps hand

Your neck. I want to kiss it.

All flesh doth frailty breed!

A dedication is a wooden leg.

Pity swells the tide of love.

Wonder is involuntary praise.

Time elaborately thrown away.

Where thou art, that is home.

Every great change is simple.

Rhythm is form cut into time.

Art lies because it's social.

My curiosity sister of larks.

War, the World's Only Hygiene

Afflictions clarify the soul.

The mind has a thousand eyes.

My days are gone a-wandering.

Man is an imitative creature.

To save all we must risk all.

Stubbornness is not firmness.

Strike while the iron is hot.

The latter end of joy is woe.

Life's bloomy flush was lost.

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