I love the Arctic Monkeys!

War is the trade of kings.

Pride - Lord of human kind

My love's a noble madness.

God's colors all are fast.

Temper justice with mercy.

Tears such as angels weep.

God is thy law, thou mine.

Ride the air In whirlwind.

Venice is eternity itself.

Caring is the only daring.

Work is love made visible.

My heart is its own grave!

Love's never a fair trade.

Snowman wakes before dawn.

The past is a closed door.

I'm bad at picking heroes.

Fashion makes the fur fly.

I have been eating poetry.

Love, we are a small pond.

Love is our human miracle.

a poet never feels useful.

We only keep what we lose.

If the shoe fits, wear it.

To love is an active verb.

Love is a kind of warfare.

Skill makes love unending.

Tempus fugit (time flies).

Love is a credulous thing.

Habit had made the custom.

O woman shapely as a swan.

Jealousy's eyes are green.

The heart is its own Fate.

Every angel is terrifying.

My sun sets to rise again.

All's love, yet all's law.

Truth is within ourselves.

Life is but a day at most.

What we live by we die by.

...one cannot lodge in if.

I shall gain glory or die.

The box is only temporary.

Tomorrow let us do or die!

Bells are musics laughter.

Anger is a wound gone mad.

Despotism is a long crime.

Love is a fault; so be it.

Fury itself supplies arms.

Now is the age of anxiety.

Love each other or perish.

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