Well, I come down in the morning and I take up a pencil and I try to THINK.

If I am anything, which I highly doubt, I have made myself so by hard work.

The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.

All that glitters may not be gold, but at least it contains free electrons.

The last time when I handed over information was in February or March 1949.

Physicists have yet to understand why the Higgs boson's mass is what it is.

I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their numerical magnitude.

All my life through, the new sights of Nature made me rejoice like a child.

I've gradually risen from lower-class background to lower-class foreground.

Well, I don't like to get involved in these philosophical issues very much.

We all know your idea is crazy. The question is whether it is crazy enough.

I don't regard television as the outside world. I regard it as an artefact.

But when I wasn't working, I was usually at a window looking down at Earth.

Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.

The fastest manned vehicle in history was Apollo 10. It reached 25,000 mph.

The missing link in cosmology is the nature of dark matter and dark energy.

I used the Nobel money to buy a house and for the education of my children.

How can one avoid despondency if one thinks of the anomalous Zeeman effect?

With every passing year, BEC proves that it still has surprises left for us.

Of course, long-distance running has to do with the fact that we're hunters.

I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.

It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.

We must . . . guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.

Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth.

If others would think as hard as I did, then they would get similar results.

Plato is my friend; Aristotle is my friend, but my greatest friend is truth.

The job of a theoretical physicist is to make mistakes as fast as possible .

There is no reason that the universe should be designed for our convenience.

We can predict the present without having to know everything about the past.

If history is any guide, much of what we take for granted simply isn't true.

In the post war period I began again to have my doubts about Russian policy.

When you are face to face with a difficulty, you are up against a discovery.

If I have seen further than others, it is because I am surrounded by dwarfs.

Two lines must meet at a point. Therefore there are only two surprises here.

In the great drama of existence we are audience and actors at the same time.

It is the hallmark of any deep truth that its negation is also a deep truth.

As for morality, well that's all tied up with the question of consciousness.

I am damned if I'm going to die before I have unraveled more of the universe

Thought, without the data on which to structure that thought, leads nowhere.

To make a discovery is not necessarily the same as to understand a discovery.

Thought has been constantly evolving and we can't say when that system began.

There is a difference between knowing what is true and knowing why it is true

Ethical progress is the only cure for the damage done by scientific progress.

There is a great satisfaction in building good tools for other people to use.

The ground of science was littered with the corpses of dead unified theories.

Life is extraordinarily resilient. It's been around for over a billion years.

Cities are obvious metaphors for life. We call roads 'arteries' and so forth.

I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.

A body in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force.

You should enter science because you are fascinated by it. That's what I did.

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