We deserve elections we can trust.

[Science is] piecemeal revelation.

Love prefers twilight to daylight.

Cupid "the little greatest enemy."

A good garden may have some weeds.

Scalded cats fear even cold water.

Despair gives courage to a coward.

The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor

The plural of anecdotes is not data

I'm first and foremost a scientist.

Capitalism is destroying the earth.

I think NATO needs to be looked at.

If God is in Heaven, Hell is empty.

Meditation is the best engineering.

Man is truly born the time he dies.

The will of man is the will of God.

The best of humanity is philosophy.

I collect a lot of data. We all do.

Old-style management is irrelevant.

A book that is shut is but a block.

He that hopes no good fears no ill.

Life has gone by as if I never lived

My holy of holies is the human body.

Christ - an anarchist who succeeded.

Laziness breeds humors of the blood.

I'm not opposed to the use of force.

Love conquers everything even karma.

God exists, though He defies reason.

Timidity does not inspire bold acts.

Joy is the evidence of inner growth.

A child needs freedom within limits.

Teach by teaching, not by correcting

The main reason for healing is love.

Out of too much learning become mad.

Ignorance is the Mother of Devotion.

Better be alone than in bad company.

Fever itself is Nature's instrument.

He who knows syphilis knows medicine

The sea has neither meaning nor pity.

Dear, sweet, unforgettable childhood!

Hot hate is twin brother to hot love.

Intimacy and community buffer stress.

Have you ever felt worse after a run?

Every runner is an experiment of one.

Liberty is always unfinished business

The sound of life has divine silence.

Discipline must come through liberty.

Sick animals can lead to sick people.

Whenever you fall, pick something up.

Man is ill because he is never still.

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