There is more heroism in self-denial than in deeds of arms.

Speech devoted to truth should be straightforward and plain

The guilt of enforced crimes lies on those who impose them.

A crowd of fellow-sufferers is a miserable kind of comfort.

You must live for another if you wish to live for yourself.

We have been born under a monarchy; to obey God is freedom.

The shortest road to wealth lies in the contempt of wealth.

It's a vice to trust all, and equally a vice to trust none.

People learn more on their own rather than being force fed.

I alone know I am wise because I alone know I know nothing.

I am a citizen, not of Athens, or Greece, but of the world.

False language, evil in itself, infects the soul with evil.

If you want to be loathsome to God, just run with the herd.

Turn all things to honey; this is the law of divine living.

Common-sense knowledge is prompt, categorical, and inexact.

I was very intensely concerned with all kinds of new media.

What we drug people have, that you don't, is repeatability.

As brightness is to rustiness, so labor excelleth idleness.

God is the most ancient of all things, for he had no birth.

The Ideal is in thyself, the impediments too is in thyself.

The true university of these days is a collection of books.

Quackery gives birth to nothing; gives death to all things.

The goal of yesterday will be our starting-point to-morrow.

The dust of controversy is merely the falsehood flying off.

Words are the counters of wise men, but the money of fools.

Make vegan friends! It's a tough row to hoe doing it alone.

Even by means of our sorrows we belong to the eternal plan.

Language is conceived in sin and science is its redemption.

To change ones life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly.

You can alter your life by altering the state of your mind.

My first act of free will shall be to believe in free will.

If you give appreciation to people, you win their goodwill.

To know one thing thoroughly would be to know the universe.

From joy all beings have come and unto joy they all return.

Perfect happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.

When the heart is right, "for" and "against" are forgotten.

Wherever there is great property, there is great inequality.

Humanity is the virtue of a woman, generosity that of a man.

Normally, we do not so much look at things as overlook them.

Do you think that the Lord gave them to me for a decoration?

O ye gods, grant unto me to have little and to want nothing.

He who has never learned to obey cannot be a good commander.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.

What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.

Revolutions are effected in two ways, by force and by fraud.

Men are marked from the moment of birth to rule or be ruled.

There is nothing unequal as the equal treatment of unequals.

Of mankind in general, the parts are greater than the whole.

The excellence of a thing is related to its proper function.

Happiness seems to require a modicum of external prosperity.

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