Making itself intelligible is suicide for philosophy.

he who thinks great thoughts often makes great errors

Part of teaching is helping people create themselves.

God is at home, it's we who have gone out for a walk.

Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure.

The greatest power available to man is not to use it.

The ways are two: love and want of love. That is all.

A real man is he whose goodness is a part of himself.

Reading is a basic tool in the living of a good life.

Victory over fear is the first spiritual duty of man.

The genius which runs to madness is no longer genius.

Kindness which is bestowed on the good is never lost.

Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable.

Happiness springs from doing good and helping others.

An old man is twice a child, and so is a drunken man.

I have good hope that there is something after death.

The beginning is the most important part of the work.

The light of the Sun is the pure energy of intellect.

Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

Do not even think of doing what ought not to be done.

Let a man use great reverence and manners to himself.

We have all a propensity to grasp at forbidden fruit.

Illusory joy is often worth more than genuine sorrow.

The South is the region that history has happened to.

From each as they choose, to each as they are chosen.

Argument is conclusive, but it does not remove doubt.

The pageant of a former hour, Is Beauty in the Grave.

Ultimately, political order does not generate itself.

If there's a local reeling party, I might go to that.

All of a sudden it didn't bother me not being modern.

Metaphysicians are musicians without musical ability.

The mind, unless it is pure and holy, cannot see God.

The most onerous slavery is to be a slave to oneself.

The whole discord of this world consists in discords.

Most powerful is he who has himself in his own power.

Whatever we give to the wretched, we lend to fortune.

Leisure without literature is death and burial alive.

When modesty has once perished, it will never revive.

Those whom true love has held, it will go on holding.

Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgment.

Fortune may rob us of our wealth, not of our courage.

I don’t mind citing a bad author if the line is good.

God never repents of what He has first resolved upon.

It is easier to grow in dignity than to make a start.

There is no genius free from some tincture of madness

The deferring of anger is the best antidote to anger.

Who can hope for nothing, should despair for nothing.

The need of truth is more sacred than any other need.

The body cannot be cured without regard for the soul.

Slanderers do not hurt me because they do not hit me.

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