Our words should aim not to please, but to help.

A dwarf can stand on a mountain, he's no taller.

Purity is the ability to contemplate defilement.

Every perfect life is a parable invented by God.

Two forces rule the universe: light and gravity.

He is the richest who is content with the least.

The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.

The poets are only the interpreters of the Gods.

Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show.

The examined life is the only life worth living.

To love another person is to help them love God.

Past and future are in the mind only - I am now.

Cultures are virtual realities made of language.

We are like caterpillars contemplating pupation.

Impressionism is simply twenty minutes into LSD.

Hope is the most universal of human possessions.

One monster there is in the world, the idle man.

Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.

The whole past is the procession of the present.

Poetry, therefore, we will call Musical Thought.

Fire is the best of servants, but what a master!

Obligation is thraldom, and thraldom is hateful.

Leisure can be one of the Mothers of Philosophy.

It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law.

Subjectivity means to catch yourself in the act.

Do not mistake the pointing finger for the moon.

Yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation.

Man can alter his life by altering his thinking.

Our beliefs and our attention are the same fact.

Events are influenced by our very great desires.

Pure truth no man has seen, nor ever shall know.

If horses had Gods, they would look like horses.

The drum is surely the lord of music, is it not?

Education is the movement from darkness to light.

He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.

Fate of empires depends on the education of youth

Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend.

Liars when they speak the truth are not believed.

Life in the true sense is perceiving or thinking.

Most people would rather give than get affection.

Laughter is a bodily exercise, precious to Health

We do not know a truth without knowing its cause.

Life is a business that does not cover the costs.

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone.

Women have a favorite room, men a favorite chair.

Anything you're good at contributes to happiness.

Our beliefs are, however, often contrary to fact.

The good is the end toward which all things tend.

By annihilating desires, you annihilate the mind.

Eat at your own as you would the table of a king.

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