Guilt was imputed and corruption was conveyed

Few girls are as well shaped as a good horse.

Love is faith and one faith leads to another.

Sympathy is the first condition of criticism.

False praise is always confined to the great.

What is a society without a heroic dimension?

... inventions and purely human institutions.

Do not judge, and you will never be mistaken.

I considered calmly that I was born to write.

Try all things, hold fast that which is good.

Stupidity is much the same all the world over

Effort is only effort when it begins to hurt.

Today violence is the rhetoric of the period.

Every country has the government it deserves.

To be radical is to grasp things by the root.

A peacemaker does not mean a peaceful person.

He who controls the past controls the future.

When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.

Greed is costly. Assembled fortunes are lost.

Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you.

Life is going forth; death is returning home.

For one gains by losing And loses by gaining.

The good leader carries water for his people.

Excellent leaders of people lower themselves.

There is no greater disaster than discontent.

Those who stand on their toes are not steady.

No disaster is worse than being discontented.

Abandon learning and there will be no sorrow.

I am wearied, as if I lacked a home to go to.

The highest benevolence acts without purpose.

The one who rules like the mother lasts long.

Whatever one cultivates, is what one becomes.

The Tao which you know is not the eternal Tao

Every explanation is after all an hypothesis.

Wishing is not acting. But willing is acting.

The depressed man lives in a depressed world.

A confession has to be part of your new life.

The form is the possibility of the structure.

The whole of virtue consists in its practice.

Justice is the crowning glory of the virtues.

Nothing is more disgraceful than insincerity.

Freedom is a possession of inestimable value.

What is thine is mine, and all mine is thine.

I prefer silent prudence to loquacious folly.

Our liberality should not exceed our ability.

Pleasant is the recollection of dangers past.

We go forward looking in the rearview mirror.

First we build the tools, then they build us.

Anything that's popular is a rear-view image.

Clear prose indicates the absence of thought.

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