The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day.

There is no free society without silence, without the internal and external spaces of solitude in which the individual freedom can develop.

We have become unable to think of better education except in terms of more complex schools and of teachers trained for ever longer periods.

The day when efficacy would prevail over truth will never come for the Church, for then the gates of hell would have prevailed against her.

The heavens, with their everlasting faithfulness, look down on no sadder contradiction than the sluggard and the slattern in their prayers.

A Christian community should do as Jesus did: propose and not impose. Its attraction must lie in the radiance cast by the love of brothers.

All I can do is make the best of what I am, become accustomed to it, evaluate the possibilities, and take advantage of them the best I can.

Any genuine teaching will result, if successful, in someone's knowing how to bring about a better condition of things than existed earlier.

One of the saddest things about US education is that the wisdom of our most successful teachers is lost to the profession when they retire.

The belief that all genuine education comes about through experience does not mean that all experiences are genuinely or equally educative.

Memory is the power to revive again in our minds those ideas which after imprinting have disappeared, or have been laid aside out of sight.

The struggle with the past is not a hand-to-hand fight. The future overcomes it by swallowing it. If it leaves anything outside it is lost.

Virtue is not to be considered in the light of mere innocence, or abstaining from harm; but as the exertion of our faculties in doing good.

We have to ask how we can stretch and how sometimes we can break the norms that determine what's intelligible and readable and what is not.

Partisans fight on familiar territory with professed political objectives to conquer power. This is what distinguishes them from terrorists

The Sage expects no recognition for what he does; he achieves merit but does not take it to himself; he does not wish to display his worth.

To be brave without compassion, generous without moderation, and rule without refraining from being first in the world, are certain deaths.

Gentleness brings victory to him who attacks, and safety to him who defends. Those whom Heaven would save, it fences round with gentleness.

There is no greater fault than sensual indulgence. There is no greater misfortune than malcontent. There is no greater calamity than greed.

Warriors say: I dare not be like the host, but would rather be like the guest. I dare not advance an inch, but would rather retreat a foot.

It is as absurd to expect members of philosophy departments to be philosophers as it is to expect members of art departments to be artists.

If Darwin had seen in life what Dostoevsky saw, he would not have talked of the law of the preservation of species, but of its destruction.

The philosophy commonly called individualism is a philosophy of social cooperation and the progressive intensification of the social nexus.

Those who satisfy the wants of a smaller number of people only collect fewer votes-dollars-than those who satisfy the wants of more people.

American authors or scientists are prone to consider the wealthy businessman as a barbarian, as a man exclusively intent upon making money.

Man's shortcomings and sins are all due to substance of the body and not to its form, while all his merits are exclusively due to his form.

If you wish to remove avarice you must remove its mother, luxuries. [Lat., Avaritiam si tollere vultis, mater ejus est tollenda, luxuries.]

It is not a virtue, but a deceptive copy and imitation of virtue, when we are led to the performance of duty by pleasure as its recompense.

The precept, "Know yourself," was not solely intended to obviate the pride of mankind; but likewise that we might understand our own worth.

Control over change would seem to consist in moving not with it but ahead of it. Anticipation gives the power to deflect and control force.

The laws of the media, in tetrad form, bring logos and formal cause up to date to reveal analytically the structure of all human artefacts.

Let us look and see, then, how they manage their concerns - they for whose cause we are to labour, devote ourselves, and grow enthusiastic.

Fashion is like the ashes left behind by the uniquely shaped flames of the fire, the trace alone revealing that a fire actually took place.

Open government is, within limits, an ideal that we all share. U.S. President Barack Obama endorsed it when he took office in January 2009.

There is not less wit nor less invention in applying rightly a thought one finds in a book, than in being the first author of that thought.

Man can be understood only by ascending from physics, chemistry, biology, and geology. In other words, he is first of all a cosmic problem.

All loves should be simply stepping stones to the love of God. So it was with me; and blessed be his name for his great goodness and mercy.

Let men of all ranks whether they are successful, or unsuccessful, whether they triumph or not; let them do their duty, and rest satisfied.

No town can live peacefully whatever its laws when its citizens do nothing but feast and drink and tire themselves out in the cares of love

A situation where a solution to a stakeholder problem is imposed by a government agency or the courts must be seen as a managerial failure.

The golden beams of truth and the silken cords of love, twisted together, will draw men on with a sweet violence, whether they will or not.

The two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on which alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge.

The entire method consists in the order and arrangement of the things to which the mind's eye must turn so that we can discover some truth.

The usual picture of Socrates is of an ugly little plebeian who inspired a handsome young nobleman to write long dialogues on large topics.

My 2018 ended with a hate storm, in response to my appointment as chair of the government's Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission.

Our highest endeavour must be to develop individuals who are able out of their own initiative to impart purpose & direction to their lives.

For what lies inside of man is the whole spiritual cosmos in condensed form. In man's inner organism we have an image of the entire cosmos.

It is easier to exclude harmful passions than to rule them, and to deny them admittance than to control them after they have been admitted.

Greatness stands upon a precipice, and if prosperity carries a man never so little beyond his poise, it overbears and dashes him to pieces.

Four things does a reckless man gain who covets his neighbor's wife - demerit, an uncomfortable bed, thirdly, punishment, and lastly, hell.

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