Because we are in the world, we are condemned to meaning, and we cannot do or say anything without its acquiring a name in history.

I dislike death, however, there are some things I dislike more than death. Therefore, there are times when I will not avoid danger.

Justice must always question itself, just as society can exist only by means of the work it does on itself and on its institutions.

Do not ask who I am and do not ask me to remain the same. More than one person, doubtless like me, writes in order to have no face.

Whatever field of human activity one may take, only those trends that are in harmony with the needs of society show rapid progress.

A Universal Good should reflect the reality of the individual benefits that are collected under its name, not the other way around.

The awareness of the ambiguity of one's highest achievements (as well as one's deepest failures) is a definite symptom of maturity.

The purpose and cause of the incarnation was that He might illuminate the world by His wisdom and excite it to the love of Himself.

There can be no brotherhood when some nations indulge in previously unheard of luxuries, while others struggle to stave off famine.

Herbert Spencer is little read now. Philosophers do not regard him as a major thinker. Social Darwinism has long been in disrepute.

Instead of standing on the shore and proving to ourselves that the ocean cannot carry us, let us venture on its waters just to see.

Deep down, there is in the substance of the cosmos a primordial disposition, sui generis, for self-arrangement and self-involution.

To him who disgraces his family life is no life, and to such a person there is no one a friend, neither while living nor when dead.

It behooves those who take the young to task to leave them room for excuse, lest they drive them to be hardened by too much rebuke.

It is fear and terror that make all men brave, except the philosophers. Yet it is illogical to be brave through fear and cowardice.

I think Enlightenment as an epistemic ideal involves rejecting the appeal to a fundamental stratum of non-conceptual self-evidence.

The principal effect of the passions is that they incite and persuade the mind to will the events for which they prepared the body.

I think myself obliged, whatever my private apprehensions may be of the success, to do my duty, and leave events to their Disposer.

I think a lot of Marx was quite sloppy. There was all sorts of politically aggressive language when he lacked arguments for things.

The romantic artist expects people to ask, 'What has he got to say?' The classical artist expects them to ask, 'How does he say it?

To teach virtue we must educate the emotions, and this means learning "what to feel" in the various circumstances that prompt them.

Isn’t the most sensitive point of this mourning the fact that I must lose a language — the amorous language? No more ‘I love you’s.

Self-criticism, cruel, unsparing criticism that goes to the very root of the evil, is life and breath for the proletarian movement.

Modern war appears as a struggle led by all the State apparatuses and their general staffs against all men old enough to bear arms.

In what concerns divine things, belief is not appropriate. Only certainty will do. Anything less than certainty is unworthy of God.

The truth is a trap: you cannot get it without it getting you; you cannot get the truth by capturing it, only by its capturing you.

Man is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation which relates itself to itself.

Preparation for becoming attentive to Christianity does not consist in reading many books ... but in fuller immersion in existence.

Nobody ever fails in Yoga....It is slow in the beginning and rapid in the end. When one is fully matured, realization is explosive.

If you are angry or in pain, separate yourself from anger and pain and watch them. Externalization is the first step to liberation.

The unchangeable can only be realised in silence. Once realised, it will deeply affect the changeable, itself remaining unaffected.

Learning to program has no more to do with designing interactive software than learning to touch type has to do with writing poetry

And what is the primary datum? It's the felt presence of immediate experience. In other words, being here now is the primary datum.

Anything which must be understood by millions of people is so hopelessly divorced from how it is that it becomes a form of fiction.

I see the psychedelic experience as a birthright, and we can't have a free society until people are free to explore their own mind.

Since the very beginning of culture, what we seem to be are animals which take in raw material and excrete it imprinted with ideas.

Democracy will itself accomplish the salutary universal change from delusive to real, and make a new blessed world of us by and by.

The philosopher is he to whom the highest has descended, and the lowest has mounted up; who is the equal and kindly brother of all.

I put for the general inclination of all mankind, a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceaseth only in death.

A free man is he that, in those things which by his strength and wit he is able to do, is not hindered to do what he has a will to.

Success is no proof of virtue. In the case of a book, quick acclaim is presumptive evidence of a lack of substance and originality.

The more a man acts on his own, the more he develops himself. In large associations he is too prone to become merely an instrument.

It is well for the world that in most of us, by the age of thirty, the character has set like plaster, and will never soften again.

If what the heart approves conforms to proper patterns, then even if one's desires are many, what harm would they be to good order?

Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end. There is existence without limitation; there is continuity without a starting point.

The natural price, therefore, is, as it were, the central price, to which the prices of all commodities are continually gravitating.

When a man no longer confuses himself with the definition of himself that others have given him, he is at once universal and unique.

Everyone has love, but it can only come out when he is convinced of the impossibility and the frustration of trying to love himself.

Commitment is a word invented in our abstract modernity to signify the absence of any real motives in the soul for moral dedication.

I delight to lodge in such temples as are not regularly kept closed. None of the gods reject me; they make me partner of their roof.

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