Prudence is but experience, which equal time, equally bestows on all men, in those things they equally apply themselves unto.

Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit.

Evil is a disease; and worry over disease is itself an additional form of disease, which only adds to the original complaint.

Both thought and feeling are determinants of conduct, and the same conduct may be determined either by feeling or by thought.

Be willing to have it so. Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.

But if science may be said to be blind without philosophy, it is true also that philosophy is virtually empty without science.

But the jiva [living being] is endowed with ego and his knowledge is limited, whereas Ishwar is without ego and is omniscient.

The style of God venerated in church, mosque, and synagogue seems completely different from the style of the natural universe.

Those that study particular sciences, and neglect philosophy, are like Penelope's wooers, that make love to the waiting women.

The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.

The senses are gateways to the intelligence. There is nothing in the intelligence which did not first pass through the senses.

The happy life is thought to be one of excellence; now an excellent life requires exertion, and does not consist in amusement.

He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.

The principle aim of gymnastics is the education of all youth and not simply that minority of people highly favored by nature.

Finally, if nothing can be truly asserted, even the following claim would be false, the claim that there is no true assertion.

The true friend of the people should see that they be not too poor, for extreme poverty lowers the character of the democracy.

The bad thing about all religions is that, instead of being able to confess their allegorical nature, they have to conceal it.

I constantly saw the false and the bad, and finally the absurd and the senseless, standing in universal admiration and honour.

I owe what is best in my own development to the impression made by Kant's works, the sacred writings of the Hindus, and Plato.

There are, first of all, two kinds of authors: those who write for the subject's sake, and those who write for writing's sake.

For whence did Dante take the materials for his hell but from this our actual world? And yet he made a very proper hell of it.

Though we live amid promiscuous pressures, spiritual clutter and forgetfulness, we probably still value the integrity of life.

If one lived for ever the joys of life would inevitably in the end lose their savour. As it is, they remain perennially fresh.

One of the most painful circumstances of recent advances in science is that each one makes us know less than we thought we did

The questions of philosophy proper are human desires and fears and aspirations - human emotions - taking an intellectual form.

When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points.

A gentleman can see a question from all sides without bias. The small man is biased and can see a question only from one side.

If you shoot for the stars and hit the moon, it's OK. But you've got to shoot for something. A lot of people don't even shoot.

The one who was born a genius can't win against the one who tries, and the one who tries can't win against the one who enjoys.

There is something about boldness and fearlessness and being free enough to speak what is on one's mind that warrants freedom.

From compassion springs humility. The ego is verily a gateway to hell. The person who is egoistic is far from being religious.

Everyone gets a spiritual formation. It's like education. Everyone gets an education; it's just a matter of which one you get.

To accept Naturalism is to reject such entities as Cartesian minds, private visual and tactual spaces, angelic beings and God.

Imagine for yourself a character, a model personality, whose example you determine to follow, in private as well as in public.

Learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.

It almost seems that nobody can hate America as much as native Americans. America needs new immigrants to love and cherish it.

Good writing , like gold , combines lustrous lucidity with high density. What this means is good writing is packed with hints.

The link between ideas and action is rarely direct. There is almost always an intermediate step in which the idea is overcome.

Those who feel guilty are afraid; and those who are afraid somehow feel guilty. To the onlooker, too, the fearful seem guilty.

No idea can succeed except at the expense of sacrifice; no one ever escapes without enduring strain from the struggle of life.

He whom God has touched will always be a being apart: he is, whatever he may do, a stranger among men; he is marked by a sign.

Metaphysics is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe upon instinct; but to find these reasons is no less an instinct.

Every relationship between two individuals or two groups will be characterized by the ratio of secrecy that is involved in it.

Character is built out of circumstances. From exactly the same materials, one man builds palaces, while another builds hovels.

The arts must study their occasions; they must stand modestly aside until they can slip in fitly into the interstices of life.

Nature drives with a loose rein and vitality of any sort can blunder through many a predicament in which reason would despair.

Imperialism was born when the ruling class in capitalist production came up against national limits to its economic expansion.

Action and faith enslave thought, both of them in order not be troubled or inconvenienced by reflection, criticism, and doubt.

To a zealot every one of his own sect is a saint, while the most upright of a different sect are to him children of perdition.

Reason shows me that if my happiness is desirable and good, the equal happiness of any other person must be equally desirable.

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