The flesh is at the heart of the world.

Love is the root of all joy and sorrow.

You can't go wrong with fish and chips.

In a sick world even the hale are sick.

Astonishment is the root of philosophy.

The whole life lies in the verb seeing.

Only the dead have seen the end of war.

Thinking is the soul talking to itself.

Discordance is evil. Harmony is virtue.

Arrogance is ever accompanied by folly.

Abstinence is the surety of temperance.

Man's greatest victory is over oneself.

[The Cretans have] more wit than words.

Every man is a poet when he is in love.

Is virtue something that can be taught?

Silence is better than unmeaning words.

Astonishing! Everything is intelligent!

Number was the substance of all things.

Peace is impossible, war is improbable.

Conquer yourself rather than the world.

It is opportunity that makes the thief.

Fire proves gold, adversity proves men.

Every guilty person is his own hangman.

Greed's worst point is its ingratitude.

Know thyself; this is the great object.

Do everything as in the eye of another.

In war there is no prize for runner-up.

Poverty needs much, avarice everything.

Life without literary studies is death.

Life is long if you know how to use it.

The most happy ought to wish for death.

To meditate an injury is to commit one.

Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.

To be a saint is to will the one thing.

When Reason died, then Wisdom was born.

Detachment is the beginning of mastery.

No danger can perturb my spirit's calm.

My God is love and sweetly suffers all.

See deep enough, and you see musically.

Caution is the lower story of prudence.

Covenants without swords are but words.

The self is not a thing, but a process.

To be is to be the value of a variable.

What holds attention determines action.

It is your friends who make your world.

The sovereign cure for worry is prayer.

Man lives for science as well as bread.

Lay plans as if we were to be immortal.

Men create the gods in their own image.

To have a human form is a joyful thing.

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