No one can wear a mask for very long.

Love is not consolation, it is light.

Attentiveness is the heart of prayer.

To find yourself, think for yourself.

Beware the barrenness of a busy life.

When our feet hurt, we hurt all over.

Wisdom is knowing how little we know.

Wisdom is knowing when you don't know

Hope is passion for what is possible.

May new sufferings torment your soul.

Purity of heart is to will one thing.

The Person is a bubble on Time's sea.

In my world, nothing ever goes wrong.

It does not matter much what happens.

Any fool can use a computer. Many do.

Worrying is betting against yourself.

The great soul of this world is just.

History after all is the true poetry.

No man can be judge to his own cause.

Human nature is what Heaven supplies.

The sound of water says what I think.

Each one's destiny cannot be altered.

The true man breathes with his heels.

A sketch of a man facing to the right.

Art attests to what is inhuman in man.

The source of all light is in the eye.

Faith is a state of openness or trust.

Black implies white self implies other

Society is our extended mind and body.

Identity is invariably false to facts.

Feminism without femininity is a sham.

An old fool is the worst of all fools.

We make war that we may live in peace.

A promise made must be a promise kept.

Worms are the intestines of the earth.

Happiness is a virtue, not its reward.

Reality and perfection are synonymous.

Vanity is a motive of immense potency.

The camera is as subjective as we are.

Self-conceit is the enemy of progress.

Happy is the nation without a history.

The secret of my success is longevity.

Have no friends not equal to yourself.

Never hesitate to ask a lesser person.

Make fair agreements and stick to them

What is necessary is to rectify names.

Kingdom obedience is kingdom abundance

The mind is the effect, not the cause.

Nothing exists but atoms and the void.

All children are essentially criminal.

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