Who but the Atman is capable of removing the bonds of ignorance, passion and self-interested action?
How could you say the best form of government is a republic if you think the universe is a monarchy?
A scholar tries to learn something everyday; a student of Buddhism tries to unlearn something daily.
Everything has a natural explanation. The moon is not a god but a great rock and the sun a hot rock.
It is better to fall among crows than flatterers; for those devour only the dead - these the living.
The habits we form from childhood make no small difference, but rather they make all the difference.
Democracy arose from men's thinking that if they are equal in any respect they are equal absolutely.
Courage is the mother of all virtues because without it, you cannot consistently perform the others.
Business or toil is merely utilitarian. It is necessary but does not enrich or ennoble a human life.
The pleasures arising from thinking and learning will make us think and learn all the more. 1153a 23
No one would choose a friendless existence on condition of having all the other things in the world.
For pleasure is a state of soul, and to each man that which he is said to be a lover of is pleasant.
With the truth, all given facts harmonize; but with what is false, the truth soon hits a wrong note.
Those that deem politics beneath their dignity are doomed to be governed by those of lesser talents.
The vigorous are no better than the lazy during one half of life, for all men are alike when asleep.
First the truth is ridiculed. Then it meets outrage. Then it is said to have been obvious all along.
Men who are ruled by reason desire nothing for themselves which they would not wish for all mankind.
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd.
To understand the actual world as it is, not as we should wish it to be, is the beginning of wisdom.
Belief in a Divine mission is one of the many forms of certainty that have afflicted the human race.
The search for something permanent is one of the deepest of the instincts leading men to philosophy.