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Study as if you have not reached your goal - hold it as if you were afraid of losing what you have.
There is nothing impossible in all the world except that the heart of man is wanting in resolution.
Confucius say... politician is one who shakes your hand before elections and your confidence after.
The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled.
No question is more sublime than why there is a Universe: why there is anything rather than nothing
The way to attain the virtue of mercy lies in our constant awareness of being encompassed by mercy.
Sex is essentially deep. We become what we do with our bodies, and there is no deeper act than sex.
We would be in a nasty position indeed if empirical science were the only kind of science possible.
Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.
He who has nothing and wants something is less frustrated than he who has something and wants more.
It sometimes seems that intense desire creates not only its own opportunities, but its own talents.
But however measurable, there is much more life in music than mathematics or logic ever dreamed of.
Even a minor event in the life of a child is an event of that child's world and thus a world event.
Experience seems to most of us to lead to conclusions, but empiricism has sworn never to draw them.
The Fates, like an absent-minded printer, seldom allow a single line to stand perfect and unmarred.
Absolute solitude is on this showing the ineluctable destiny of the soul. Only our bodies can meet.
The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.
... the space left to freedom is very small.ends are inherent in human nature and the same for all.
When an old truth ceases to be applicable, it does not become any truer by being stood on its head.
Never must the existence or the essence of man as a whole be made a stake in the hazards of action.
Modern theory is about objects lower than man; even stars, being common things, are lower than man.
At bottom, everything depends upon the presence or absence of one single element in the soul - HOPE
Under the rule of a repressive whole, liberty can be made into a powerful instrument of domination.
At the highest stage of capitalism, the most necessary revolution appears as the most unlikely one.
When God forgives our sin, he is not changing his mind about us; he is changing our mind about him.
The wise man must remember that while he is a descendant of the past, he is a parent of the future.
The universal basis of co-operation is the proportioning of benefits received to services rendered.
When you know yourself, your 'I'ness vanishes and you know that you and Allah are one and the same.
Certain readers resented me when they could no longer recognize their territory, their institution.
It is not possible for minds degraded by a host of trivial concerns to ever rise to anything great.
The training of children is a profession, where we must know how to waste time in order to save it.
A citizen should render to the state all the services he can as soon as the sovereign demands them.
The mechanism she employs is much more powerful than ours, for all her levers move the human heart.
I'd come to realize that all our troubles spring from our failure to use plain, clear-cut language.
The world would get along very well without literature. It would get along even better without man.
The painful secret of gods and kings is that men are free, Aegistheus. You know it and they do not.
A good hanging now and then -- that entertains folk in the provinces and robs death of its glamour.
If you are not already dead, forgive. Rancor is heavy, it is worldly; leave it on earth: die light.
Each nationality contains its centre of happiness within itself, as a bullet the centre of gravity.
Brave is the lion tamer, brave is the world subduer, but braver is the one who has subdued himself.
Nature is the mother and the habitat of man, even if sometimes a stepmother and an unfriendly home.
Without the English, reason and philosophy would still be in the most despicable infancy in France.
To give a man full knowledge of morality, I would send him to no other book than the New Testament.
No one deserves his greater natural capacity nor merits a more favorable starting place in society.
There are various ways you might define the common good, but that would be one way you could do it.
Citizens can have their own grounding in their comprehensive doctrines, whatever they happen to be.
The bread while becoming by virtue of Christ's words the body of Christ does not cease to be bread.
tragedy in the theater opens our eyes so that we can discover and appreciate the heroic in reality.
Gender is not something that one is, it is something one does, an act… a doing rather than a being.
I would say that I'm a feminist theorist before I'm a queer theorist or a gay and lesbian theorist.