Speech is silver, silence is golden.

The age of miracles is forever here.

Variety is the condition of harmony.

Leisure is the Mother of Philosophy.

Wisdom is learning what to overlook.

I'd rather be mad than feel pleasure.

Quality is not an act, it is a habit.

Character is revealed through action.


The probable is what usually happens.

The law is reason, free from passion.

The avarice of mankind is insatiable.

For our improvement we need a mirror.

Authority and example lead the world.

We feel and know that we are eternal.

Ceremonies are no aid to blessedness.

We know too much and feel too little.

It is better to play than do nothing.

He who learns death unlearns slavery.

Truth is disputable, not human taste.

Life unexamined, is not worth living.

Envy creates the beginning of strife.

In a shared fish, there are no bones.

The world is the house of the strong.

Forgetting oneself is opening oneself

The well-adjusted make poor prophets.

Our ideas are transformed sensations.

Only he who knows God is truly moral.

Our house is our corner of the world.

We understand nature by resisting it.

War is progress, peace is stagnation.

World history is a court of judgment.

All men have opinions, but few think.

Heaven is to be at peace with things.

There is no law governing all things.

where everybody is guilty, nobody is.

The motive power of democracy is love

It seems that laughter needs an echo.

Virtue is to herself the best reward.

All perception is colored by emotion.

Art is purposiveness without purpose.

Propaganda begins when dialogue ends.

We should count time by heart-throbs.

Girls must be thwarted early in life.

Anticipation and Hope are born twins.

Introspection is always retrospection

Existence precedes and rules essence.

Decency renders all things tolerable.

Ideas any one can mould as he wishes.

The unity is brought about by force .

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