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What is more insane than to vent on senseless things the anger that is felt towards men?
Why do I not seek some real good; one which I could feel, not one which I could display?
That day which you fear as being the end of all things is the birthday of your eternity.
If we desire to judge justly, we must persuade ourselves that none of us is without sin.
Let him that hath done the good office conceal it; let him that received it disclose it.
In contrast to totalitarianism, democracy can face and live with the truth about itself.
It is a fault to wish to be understood before we have made ourselves clear to ourselves.
You could not be born at a better period than the present, when we have lost everything.
Attachment is a manufacturer of illusion and whoever wants reality ought to be detached.
The greatest blessing granted to mankind come by way of madness, which is a divine gift.
Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.
How can you wonder your travels do you no good, when you carry yourself around with you?
When mind is still, then truth gets her chance to be heard in the purity of the silence.
When all names and forms have been given up, the real is with you. You need not seek it.
I think that a lot of people are making a lot of money spreading anxiety. Anxiety sells.
Culture is the greatest barrier to your enlightenment, your education, and your decency.
He who could foresee affairs three days in advance would be rich for thousands of years.
The hell of these days is the fear of not getting along, especially of not making money.
The mystery of a person, indeed, is ever divine to him that has a sense for the godlike.
Pain was not given thee merely to be miserable under; learn from it, turn it to account.
Histories are as perfect as the Historian is wise, and is gifted with an eye and a soul.
Speech that leads not to action, still more that hinders it, is a nuisance on the earth.
No sadder proof can be given by a man of his own littleness than disbelief in great men.
As long as one accepts "time" tacitly as such he is dreaming a dream, not living a life.
There is nothing so absurd that it cannot be believed as truth if repeated often enough.
Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice.
I myself believe that the evidence for God lies primarily in inner personal experiences.
Religion must be considered vindicated in a certain way from the attacks of her critics.
To neglect the wise sayings of great thinkers is to deny ourselves the truest education.
Faith is one of the forces by which men live, and the total absence of it means collapse
To know psychology, therefore, is absolutely no guarantee that we shall be good teacher.
All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility.
The world, like a dream full of attachments and aversions seems real until the awakening.
Running away from fear is fear; fighting pain is pain; trying to be brave is being scared
The more we struggle for life as pleasure, the more we are actually killing what we love.
We identify in our exerience a differentiation between what we do and what happens to us.
It is not sufficient to know what one ought to say, but one must also know how to say it.
Some men are just as sure of the truth of their opinions as are others of what they know.
Virtue makes us aim at the right end, and practical wisdom makes us take the right means.
I say that habit's but a long practice, friend, and this becomes men's nature in the end.
It's the niceties that make the difference fate gives us the hand, and we play the cards.
The greatest pride, or the greatest despondency, is the greatest ignorance of one's self.
The greatest good is the knowledge of the union which the mind has with the whole nature.
So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.
Be isolated, be ignored, be attacked, be in doubt, be frightened, but do not be silenced.
Human nature being what it is, people will insist upon getting some pleasure out of life.
The wise use of leisure, it must be conceded, is a product of civilization and education.
In other living creatures the ignorance of themselves is nature, but in men it is a vice.
Telepathy, both simultaneous and precognitive, is now an experimentally established fact.
Certainly in each social period, youth must be made to venerate the dominant absurdities.