He has no worse enemy than himself.

Ill gotten gains will be ill spent.

As you have sown so shall you reap.

The popular breeze - Aura popularis

Nature has inclined us to love men.

As thou sowest, so shalt thou reap.

In time of war the laws are silent.

Our permanent address is tommorrow.

Transcendence constitutes selfhood.

The people is dead! Good-day, Self!

The soul is the prison of the body.

Philosophy is everybody's business.

Human nature is a work in progress.

Music gives a soul to the universe.

The wisest have the most authority.

There is truth in wine and children

Through obedience learn to command.

The beginning is half of the whole.

Putting the shoe on the wrong foot.

Man - a being in search of meaning.

Above all things, respect yourself.

Number is the within of all things.

He buries gold who hides the truth.

Racism is the snobbery of the poor.

Proper names are rigid designators.

All art is but imitation of nature.

Everything hangs on one's thinking.

A good mind is a lord of a kingdom.

The best ideas are common property.

Fine conduct is always spontaneous.

You talk one way, you live another.

In every good man a God doth dwell.

A great fortune is a great slavery.

Patriotism is idolatry of the self.

Renunciation is submission to time.

You don't know what you don't know.

Multiplicity without strife is joy.

Mind conjures miracles out of time.

Language betrays, in order to mean.

Endurance is patience concentrated.

Time has only a relative existence.

All great peoples are conservative.

A man lives by believing something.

The mathematics of high achievement

Biography is the only true history.

Society is founded on hero-worship.

Silence is the eternal duty of man.

The world is a living image of God.

Writing is thinking in slow motion.

Individuality is founded in feeling

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